well i believe its my coil gone in the number one cylinder...when the sled is running and i braap the throutle some..it sounds like its only running 2...however when i pull the cap off the plug..it does change the sound of the motor however not the same amount as number 2 an 3 cylinders..when i pull those two, the motor dies like it should, but number 1 just changes the sound a bit but does not die the motor down..i did a compression test an its reading..#1-130 #2-135 #3-135...i also did a spark test an its still sparking however if anything the spark isnt as bright as #2 an #3..the carbs r spotless an set to stock settings...so im guessing its the coil..so i just want to get some opinions an see what other pp think..
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Did you move the suspected bad coil to another cylinder to see if problems follows?

Super Moderator
On the bad plug did you check the cap? Even trim the plug wire back a bit also. Then recheck spark.
Also ohm out the plug cap/boot when you cut back the wire, they do go bad.
no i did not move the coil..had no time lately but i migth try that..just thought i should get some opinions an see what other pp thought before i dug into it further

viper700t: I see your post in that other thread about unscrewing the plug caps. yes they unscrew. that's what super1c's post above is referring to. unscrew the cap on that coil, check the resistance, if good, trim back the plug wire and reinstall
what should the resistance read?

let me look it up. I'll get right back to ya.

Spark plug cap:
Resistance: 5 kΩ at 20C (68F)
Resistance: 5 kΩ at 20C (68F)
ok so i just want to make sure i understand that...if i take the cap of an test the resistance an get 5KΩ then i just have to cut the wire back some an rescrew the cap back unto the wire..however if i dont get 5KΩ then its prob my coil...correct?

you're checking the resistance of the plug cap. if it's not 5k it's the plug cap that's bad. pretty common