Is there a company that will 780 your top end?


VIP Member
May 25, 2003
Brevort, MI
Im just curious if there is a company out there that will 780 your top end you send them from your sled. It just seems like it would be easier and a cheaper alternative then buying a complete kit in stock
Tom, there sure are companies out there that will 780 your stock top end. Hauck, simons CPR, and Mrviper to name a few. Its not cheaper to send yours out, than to buy a used kit. Also, you won't get bigger power valves. They just machine your stock valves. Make me an offer on my kit. I'll iNclude 780 venom heads that are brand new and 35mm bored stock carbs.
Is it necessary to run 35MM carbs? Do you have 780 SRX heads? Im not sure what these go for used
Mine worked well with the stockers. More air will make more power, but it pulled plenty hard enough for what I was using it for. I was going to try a set of 38's, but never could bring myself to mess with it when it worked as well as it did with the stock carbs.
mopar sold me a set of carbs last spring that were clean and unmolested. The guy that had the sled before me had the carbs bored and whoever bored them, bored past the slides.
yea it idles and comes off idle much better now... The way I found out was by chasing my tail on pilot jets when I saw a noticeable gap between the slides and the carb bore

That carb rack is still sitting on the shelf for spare parts, about all its good for now

he used to make a real 800 kit that was 74mm but i dont believe he uses it anymore due to the thickness of the cylinders, too thin and pistons were extremely heavy design.

you can always call them and i am sure will tell you everything you need to know.
Thanks for that info.

Possibly to help save on cost, it would also work for me to do a top end swap with somebody that has a full kit. Mopar might be interested but ill let him tell me.
