who has sc3 skid install in srx?


New member
Nov 11, 2010
how do you like the setup, what is best way to figure out installation measurments. what did your guys measurments go buy? i saw some threads a while ago but can't find them now. please help my out, thank you
I installed a SC5 into my sled a couple weeks ago, I ended up measuring from where the rear axle was on the old skid to the drive axle and mounted the front arm so it put the new skid the same distance back, accounting for the larger rear idlers while I was at it. Then I unloaded my front suspension and raised the tunnel until the skid was sitting flat on the floor, and with a ratchet strap holding the two mounts the correct distance apart I was able to measure down from the tunnel and got my rear location that way.
Thanks guys
This look right
remove front bracket
drill rear hole 2 3/8 in back or use other side washes and put it right behind existing hole and washerthen drill hole to size needed.
then measure 24 in center to center from New back hole to front of sled. Then measure 4 5/8 in down from outside of tunnel, install bracket, put in susp and drive the living crap out of it.
sounds about right. I think mine were 25 and change center to center cause I had the skid with the ear off the front cross-shaft that actually is the tunnel mount. but basically the rest the same.

also I have this tunnel, all polished, set up for the sc10III for sale if anyone within driving distance is looking to do this.
grizzlyrunner said:
Thanks guys
This look right
remove front bracket
drill rear hole 2 3/8 in back or use other side washes and put it right behind existing hole and washerthen drill hole to size needed.
then measure 24 in center to center from New back hole to front of sled. Then measure 4 5/8 in down from outside of tunnel, install bracket, put in susp and drive the living crap out of it.

For real hard beatings add a peice of stainless steel 3 or 4 in wider than the front mount and install it between the tunnel and mount for reinforsment.Add a few more rivot holes than what you have for stock and it will be strong.

Thanks for the mounting upgrade, im going to use your measurments from your old thread as i discribed, how do you like the ride on your machine over stock pro action?
Ride is better than before it still handles corners the same.When i first tryed it on a sideroad the skis would not stay on the ground.This was fixed with pulling the front limiters up one hole.

If you want plush go with a 12 in skid if you want somthing that wont break and is close to the origanal in handeling the 3 works good on the srx.I have the front brackets flipped with ohlins on front.

grizzlyrunner said:
Thanks for the mounting upgrade, im going to use your measurments from your old thread as i discribed, how do you like the ride on your machine over stock pro action?

Traction transfer is extremely better, more travel, better rebound.
I had to have the shocks redone for my weight. 190lbs...super. ;)!
The pics are on here,..search Sc3.
want to do it for better ride and to get more weight transfer to back i ride in hills with deep snow most of the time, sled is very hard to throw around in the powder do to to much weight up front would be nice to keep skis on top of snow or in the air and not pushing it. is the plan
Ya I have one like that too but when I went to get the skid in there was no way I could get it lined up
