SRX 600 Problem

bluewho said:
Can you unplug the servo moter and place some vicegrips on the pully at full pull and go try it.


I did try this but did it differently. I got the servo to open, killed the engine, and unplugged the wires. No change :(
I would be looking at the stator. Had an issue like this last year on a buddies SRX. It was the high speed coil. Started and idled like there was no tomorrow, then you get on the flipper and BLAAAAAAAA! @ 6000ish. The stator ohmed out OK but when I pulled it you could see the coil was burnt out.
I'm back at it again. Picked up a stator and flywheel. Will be putting it in next week.

Anything else to try/check?
agreed, stator isnt making the power to supply enough spark to power the engine at higher rpm.
From my experience it is NOT the powervalves. They could remain totally shut and the engine will rev out but just not have the jam it should up top. You may have an obstruction in your exhaust. At higher rpms it needs to have more flow....maybe a rats nest in the silencer????
Was the crank welded 100% or just the rod pins? mine slipped on the crank center that yamaha didnt weld and would not let it rev.
Good question, I don't recall but I do know he gave it the green light.

Minor set back, I managed to get Strep (WTF?) I havn't had that in 20 years.
Also try replacing all 3 plugs caps. I had an issue that motor would rev up to 8,200 thenbog down to barely hold on 7k. One cap was faulty. You may have 2.
I'm not nearly as knowledgable as a lot of members on this site, but here's a thought. Last year I had to pull the carbs on my new to me viper since it wouldn't idle on all 3 cylinders. I knew I had some plugged pilots. But I had to run it around the yard once or twice before I pulled the carbs and once off idle, it pulled strong. I cleaned the carbs and put it all back together. It would start and idle fine, but at about 6500 rpm it would fall flat on it's face. Acted like it was loaded up. I never looked at PV servo. After lots of frustration and panic, I rechecked everything and lo and behold, I forgot to plug the carb vent line back into the airbox. Problem solved! I'm not sure if the SRX is vented to the airbox like the Vipers are, but your symptoms sound a lot like the ones I was having. On a viper it makes a world of difference if you have the carbs vented correctly.
Hope this helps.
Ok,the lack of snow is very unmotivating as is spending time working on this with no change. Last night I decided it was time to mess with it. I think the "stator problem" guys nailed it. Installed the new stator and ran it on the stand and was getting 7.5k in the short run ups and still pulling. I will do my normal preseason stuff and take her down to the lake later this week and report back.
Kids and I just got back from the lake. Its FIXED! I didn't think this day would ever come :-). Would hit 8400 then come down to 8100. Any idea what I should be at?

Many thanks to everyone for their input/help!
Your rpms sound just right. Go enjoy that sled. I hear ya on getting discouraged, had some issue with stator on mine to. But seems to be fine now. Now if the damn weather would cooperate
Confused said:
Kids and I just got back from the lake. Its FIXED! I didn't think this day would ever come :-). Would hit 8400 then come down to 8100. Any idea what I should be at?

Many thanks to everyone for their input/help!

likely that the sec just needs a tad more tension, you want around 83-8400 for that 600. Your close now.
Went for a ride around the lake with my daughter. Put on around 20 miles. It was her first time really riding vs doing circles in front of me on the lake. She did great. The SRX ran great. I will play with the clutching sometime but for now I am happy.

Thanks again all!!!

Confused said:
Went for a ride around the lake with my daughter. Put on around 20 miles. It was her first time really riding vs doing circles in front of me on the lake. She did great. The SRX ran great. I will play with the clutching sometime but for now I am happy.

Thanks again all!!!

That's awesome to be able to ride with your daughter, I ride with my two all the time when I go north,I've realized that its time to slow up and teach my girls for now,good luck for the future
It is awesome!! She really likes it. She has been on a Kitty Cat since age 3. I skipped the 120 size and put her on the Enticer 250. She did amazing. She is the oldest of 5 so I have several more to come. I will need a bigger trailer soon :)
