Hi guys, this is a little off the beaten path. I'm a yamaha srx guy...I picked up an old Indy trail. Redid feul.........its running on 1 cylinder....fuel and oil are good and there's 125-130psi per cylinder. Any ideas? It's got plenty of spark too.
New member
i think polaris sleds are suposed to run like that. 

New member
I'm having the same issue with neighbours ultra except only running on 2 instead of 3
Carbs are clean??? is it running on the center cylinder only or one of the ends? FI it running on the center it may need crank seals. Or you may need to go through the carbs again, try putting some fuel down the plug holes make sure it goes into the case and not out the exhaust. If it lights on all 3 then you need to reclean the carbs. Good Luck.
New member
carbsare cleaned twice, new gas, good compression I think its the stator not having enough power to charge everything because the lights and instrument panel go out until I get it over 3000 rpm then it all seems to work fine. It is the mag side that is not working.
j2hizzo said:Hi guys, this is a little off the beaten path. I'm a yamaha srx guy...I picked up an old Indy trail. Redid feul.........its running on 1 cylinder....fuel and oil are good and there's 125-130psi per cylinder. Any ideas? It's got plenty of spark too.
If I remember correctly and depending on the model year it's a Fuji liquid twin, correct?. If so, it's piston port with no reeds so if you have GOOD fuel, compression and spark either you have a large air leak (i.e. crank seals, intake boot) or a twisted crank.
Are you sure both fuel bowls are filled? I'd try to add some pre-mix through either the carb inlet or down the plug hole to rule out fuel delivery.
New member
on both machines remove Y pipe and check out piston skirts. I have seen several sleds have good compression and good fuel but not run right. Found intake or exhuast side of pistons scored. It will not pressurize the crankcase enough to draw in fuel. my 2 cents.
New member
Good call on this. pulled the stator and full of oil, crank seal shot.snomofo said:you have a large air leak (i.e. crank seals, intake boot) or a twisted crank.
Good job!
I love it when the problem is found.
I love it when the problem is found.
New member
j2hizzo said:Hi guys, this is a little off the beaten path. I'm a yamaha srx guy...I picked up an old Indy trail. Redid feul.........its running on 1 cylinder....fuel and oil are good and there's 125-130psi per cylinder. Any ideas? It's got plenty of spark too.
I ran into the same problem fixing a friend’s Polaris sled. What I found was the piston skirt on the exhaust side broke off and went bye-bye. I went into my local Polaris dealer and he looked at me, after I explained what I found, like this was a common occurrence! I have a deal with this friend that if I ever consider buying another Polaris product she will shoot me in the back of the head! I’ve been down this frustrating road of pain with the Polaris ATV line. That’s why I now have a new Grizzly!

Active member
99669viper said:I ran into the same problem fixing a friend’s Polaris sled. What I found was the piston skirt on the exhaust side broke off and went bye-bye. I went into my local Polaris dealer and he looked at me, after I explained what I found, like this was a common occurrence! I have a deal with this friend that if I ever consider buying another Polaris product she will shoot me in the back of the head! I’ve been down this frustrating road of pain with the Polaris ATV line. That’s why I now have a new Grizzly!![]()
yep, very common on the 400 polaris 2-stroke atvs and semi-common on the smaller 2-stroke atv engines as well. yeah, a bud of mine bought a '05 660 grizzly a few years ago and everyone that's ever driven it, absolutley loves it. i love that quad to death and wouldn't buy anything else for a utility atv.
I like my yammis but guys seriously your giving more credit than due.Ive owned them(grizzlies) in the past and electrical problems are the norm for those bikes.Had more than one through the years and have yet to own one that didnt have some sort of electrical problem even if it was trivial.To be quite honest though Ive noticed yamaha electronics suck period(I love my yammis but Im just trying to be unbiased here)the motors are bulletproof though so if its between a rex with no spark or an indy with no piston skirts id still obviously take the yammi(Im not saying polaris has better electronics our 05 sportsman 500 h.o.'s ecu burnt the harness to the ground Im surprised the whole bike didnt go up there was alot of smoke that for sure,it was covered by warranty though and I havent a problem since)However ,other than that one BIG letdown.polaris has always come through for me with the atvs .I think It might be important to note Ive only owned their 4 strokes maybe its just the 2 strokes that are garbage?But again the grizzly is not the best bike out there(I dont even quite know if I have an opinion as to which is the best utility right now as there are so many good ones to choose from)again not trying to offend but honestly speaking from PLENTY of experience the Grizzly is not reliable(Ive had grizzlies break down on the trail the polaris burnt in the front yard lol at least she wasnt such a **** that she had to drag me out a few miles in the woods to show me her excellent craftsmanship like our only ONE year old grizzly did)ill bet you money you go out and find somebody like me with LOTS of hours on their Grizzly they'll be able to tell you a few horror stories of trail breakdowns(Ill bet you 90 percent of those are electric as well).Like Ive said owned more than one not impressed, and I like Yamaha.
Check stator out................
Active member
b16bbob said:I like my yammis but guys seriously your giving more credit than due.Ive owned them(grizzlies) in the past and electrical problems are the norm for those bikes.Had more than one through the years and have yet to own one that didnt have some sort of electrical problem even if it was trivial.To be quite honest though Ive noticed yamaha electronics suck period(I love my yammis but Im just trying to be unbiased here)the motors are bulletproof though so if its between a rex with no spark or an indy with no piston skirts id still obviously take the yammi(Im not saying polaris has better electronics our 05 sportsman 500 h.o.'s ecu burnt the harness to the ground Im surprised the whole bike didnt go up there was alot of smoke that for sure,it was covered by warranty though and I havent a problem since)However ,other than that one BIG letdown.polaris has always come through for me with the atvs .I think It might be important to note Ive only owned their 4 strokes maybe its just the 2 strokes that are garbage?But again the grizzly is not the best bike out there(I dont even quite know if I have an opinion as to which is the best utility right now as there are so many good ones to choose from)again not trying to offend but honestly speaking from PLENTY of experience the Grizzly is not reliable(Ive had grizzlies break down on the trail the polaris burnt in the front yard lol at least she wasnt such a **** that she had to drag me out a few miles in the woods to show me her excellent craftsmanship like our only ONE year old grizzly did)ill bet you money you go out and find somebody like me with LOTS of hours on their Grizzly they'll be able to tell you a few horror stories of trail breakdowns(Ill bet you 90 percent of those are electric as well).Like Ive said owned more than one not impressed, and I like Yamaha.
no one around by me has any electrical problems with their grizzlys. the guy my buddy bought his from, had 2 and was getting a new 700 efi one to have 3 total, as he has had ZERO problems with all of them. he said it was the only atv he would buy and after using my buddies numerous times and even after my buddy sunk his in a pond (handle bar grips the only thing outta the water), it still works fine. the ONLY electrical problem that he had, was the negative battery cable came loose......that truely was it. i would never buy a polaris atv......2-stroke or 4-stroke. they all suck. their 600 twin sportsmans have water pump seals that go out and fill the engine oil with coolant and their 700 and 800 twin models, shake so bad that they tear the intake boots. not to mention the cams like to go out. this is all based off of the first hand experience that i've had with them. just saying....
I figured out the problem......my buddy put the fuel pump components in wrong.....I Redid it....problem solved.
New member
yeah right, blaming it on your buddy now eh??????j2hizzo said:I figured out the problem......my buddy put the fuel pump components in wrong.....I Redid it....problem solved.
ok just kidding , glad you got it fixed and merry christmas
b16bbob said:I like my yammis but guys seriously your giving more credit than due.Ive owned them(grizzlies) in the past and electrical problems are the norm for those bikes.Had more than one through the years and have yet to own one that didnt have some sort of electrical problem even if it was trivial.To be quite honest though Ive noticed yamaha electronics suck period(I love my yammis but Im just trying to be unbiased here)the motors are bulletproof though so if its between a rex with no spark or an indy with no piston skirts id still obviously take the yammi(Im not saying polaris has better electronics our 05 sportsman 500 h.o.'s ecu burnt the harness to the ground Im surprised the whole bike didnt go up there was alot of smoke that for sure,it was covered by warranty though and I havent a problem since)However ,other than that one BIG letdown.polaris has always come through for me with the atvs .I think It might be important to note Ive only owned their 4 strokes maybe its just the 2 strokes that are garbage?But again the grizzly is not the best bike out there(I dont even quite know if I have an opinion as to which is the best utility right now as there are so many good ones to choose from)again not trying to offend but honestly speaking from PLENTY of experience the Grizzly is not reliable(Ive had grizzlies break down on the trail the polaris burnt in the front yard lol at least she wasnt such a **** that she had to drag me out a few miles in the woods to show me her excellent craftsmanship like our only ONE year old grizzly did)ill bet you money you go out and find somebody like me with LOTS of hours on their Grizzly they'll be able to tell you a few horror stories of trail breakdowns(Ill bet you 90 percent of those are electric as well).Like Ive said owned more than one not impressed, and I like Yamaha.
What sort of electrical problems?
I've got 4000 miles or so on my '06 Grizzly, not one single issue yet...
New member
I've worked on a few 600 grizzlies and was always electrical. stator's, starters, starter selenoid, overcharging and ruining batteries. not all of these grizzlies but around same years big bear, kodiak, raptor. all late 90's early 2000's.mod-it said:What sort of electrical problems?
I've got 4000 miles or so on my '06 Grizzly, not one single issue yet...
jboar said:I've worked on a few 600 grizzlies and was always electrical. stator's, starters, starter selenoid, overcharging and ruining batteries. not all of these grizzlies but around same years big bear, kodiak, raptor. all late 90's early 2000's.
...same as with most yammi atvs unfortunately based on my first hand experience with blasters,warriors,banshees,and grizzlies.Anyone who has a yammi atv and claims ZERO electrical problem either needs to dust it off(their bike) and get it out of the garage or start riding it past 5 mph in their backyard you ride these bikes for extended periods of time they have electrical problems, Ive owned yammis and hondas all my life not biased with my brands if something is garbage thats what it is. I call it as I see it Yamaha cant build a reliable electrical system to save the companies life.Even when they get it right,for the most part,they put something in harms way(causing rub through s etc)the motors are good but the wiring is crap at best.
a buudy of mine has a 2010 raptor 700. he has just about 3000 miles on it. and over 100 hours on the motor. all of it rough trail riding jumps etc. he rides a lot. jumps big air at practice tracks but anyway he just sent it to the dealer to get a electrical plug fixed on it sutton to do with the starter. but anyway. this quad has been flogged brutally in the last year and a half and thats the only thing that went wrong with it so far. yammi is at the top for quality in my book.