motor blown with good compression?

b16bbob said:
...same as with most yammi atvs unfortunately based on my first hand experience with blasters,warriors,banshees,and grizzlies.Anyone who has a yammi atv and claims ZERO electrical problem either needs to dust it off(their bike) and get it out of the garage or start riding it past 5 mph in their backyard you ride these bikes for extended periods of time they have electrical problems, Ive owned yammis and hondas all my life not biased with my brands if something is garbage thats what it is. I call it as I see it Yamaha cant build a reliable electrical system to save the companies life.Even when they get it right,for the most part,they put something in harms way(causing rub through s etc)the motors are good but the wiring is crap at best. each their own "unbiased" opinion. Like I said before, over 4k miles and not a single issue. In fact, I've never experienced one with any electrical problems: Kodiaks, Timberwolves, Grizzlys, Raptors, or YZF450's.

But, your right, every Yammie I've had experience with in my entire life, none of which has ever had any electrical gremlins, has had all its miles put on while being rode 5mph in the back yard. They don't get used to haul out deer and elk, firewood, ride on poker runs, or just as something to do during the hot, dusty summer time...or take out and play in the snow on crappy snow years. I'm just so biased towards Yammie that I'm lying about it.
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