

New member
Mar 18, 2011
Will a set of C&A skis eliminate darting on my viper or will they only help a little bit? The stock viper skis suck for 2002 and I want to get rid of this darting problem....

Thanks a lot
add dual carbides to the skies you pressently have
helped my wifes alot
i swaped out the skies to simmons and it went away all together and really floats nice in the poweder too !
MikeSr said:
Check your toe in and toe out. You want a little toe-out.

I had the same darting problem a couple years ago after "aligning" my skis. I didn't realize that my aligning them was actually the incorrect thing to do. Once I added the toe out back to it, it handled great.
Depends what model C,A.But the stockers suck no matter what.If your only concern is darting then i would just install some studboy deuce bars.But if you want better flotation and carve the corners,eliminate darting get some c,a razor models.
I cant vouch for aligning the skis. I didnt try that. Im sure it is true if BTV and others have done it. I did however put dual carbides on and it is night and day. I did a same day swap from single to double and BIG change. Im running skidont precision skis now. Cant tell you how that works yet. (no snow):o|
It did however go good around the yard 3 times. :letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
Try shimming your ski's. It's the best thing I ever did for a couple of darting sleds.
If your not familiar with it, do a Google search or try You can buy shims or just make them yourself...which is what I did. Night and day difference.
As far as C&A's, I have a set of Razors and they are great ski's for turning but they don't solve darting problems...though advertising may say otherwise. They still dart from time to time. I have not shimmed these ski's but plan on it after the results I have gotten out of shimming the stock Viper ski's and shimming another sled. I can't say enough about how much of an improvement it makes while spending virtually no money to do it.
I have used duallys on stock skis for a few years, I have a set of precisions also. The precisions do a little better on trail but I don't think they do as good in powder. Stockers with duallys do decent, but only have to get half wore before they start pushing in the corners a little.
Hands down SlyDog PowderHounds, had Ski Doo skis, had C&A's, nothing is better for flotation, cornering, and just a balls out ski.
yeah well my USI ss railers are the best ski ever made....
my stock 01 srx skis are also the best ski ever made...
the stock skis on my cousins 1978 pantera are also the best ski ever made....

all have 6inches carbide and are single runners

and it is all because of one website,and he wealth of informationon it!
and in NO WAY am i affliated with scott bergstom, although have talked with him personally over the phone. his products and expertise is simply uncomparable
straight from slydogs description--

"This is achieved by creating its own unique footprint that minimizes the tendency to hunt (follow existing snowmobile tracks)."

from bergstroms site-- "SIMILAR PROFILES - DO - FOLLOW SIMILAR RUTS."

follow someone with completely different skis and see the difference...

every new ski to hit the market is better than the last because there are very few skis like it on the trail... once everyone migrates over to the next and best ski, they all start to suck... and then the guy that once loved his skis gets newer and better ones.... when all anyone had to do in the first place is to add (2) 1/4" pieces of plastic under the rubber of their original skis
Racing666 said:
bokat - what did you use for shims?

I just took a cutoff wheel to some old pieces of hyfax for one sled and cut up and trimmed some pieces of an old belt for another.
I have shimmed them like that also, It does make a difference. Also makes the carbide wear more even instead of eating the nose off em. U can also buy different rubber pieces that do this also.
you cut them from either rubber hose or belting. any ski with a single carbide with no darting control on the front will dart when it is refrozen trail. even when shimmed, there will be some. Darting seems to bother people differently. I have ridden peoples sleds and thought, how can you ride that? I have run around 20 different skis and carbide combination on my sleds over the years, and sometimes when I think they suck, others ride my sled and say they work great.
Shimming and alignment with shaper bars work very good on a stock ski. It will dart a little the harder the trail is(refrozen) To get rid of most everything, dartless plates work great for the money. I have yet to try them but I have heard nothing but positive about snowtrackers. If you use either one of these, you do not shim the back of the ski down.
If your buying skis for handling, and not floatation, Arrows are the best all around ski I have used and still use today. They do not dart, with two carbides, because they dont dart, you can shim them where you want and they turn easy. Deep keel so they bite good. rocker keels so if they get into a groove, they drive out of it easier, They use Skidoo carbides so they are easy to get carbides for. Two carbides means they last longer. The inside one will wear a bit faster, just swap sides and you have a new inside carbide.
If you do a search, you will find mine and many others that have reviewed skis. Better to start with shimming and a good alignment.
Bergstroms site is a good read, it doesn't take long to notice how negative he is, hates yamaha, hates aftermarket skis, hates woodies, hates duallies, funniest thing is his new hate is for the new yamaha ski that he has not tried yet.
The site does have great info about the history of skis, carbides, studes etc...
