wow guys thanks a ton!!! Now if I go the route of getting the double carbides, should I realign the front end too?
I can say that I added the dually carbides and the darting was gone. so was the on rails cornering. I went with the simmons (1st generation) flexi ski and I have damn good corner holding with no darting. I like them, and can only assume that the other skis out there with similar designs will be, well, similar. like the c&a razor, xt and the like
jeffl said:wow guys thanks a ton!!! Now if I go the route of getting the double carbides, should I realign the front end too?
You should check alignment and toe with any ski or carbide. Look into shimming with any carbide....single or dual, shimming will probably help. I have shimmed duals carbides on a Viper....helped a whole lot. Shimmed single carbides on another sled.....helped a whole lot. Going to check my to me this yea....Viper with Bergstrom 8" carbides and ski savers once snow falls

New member
Dually Carbides SUCK... 'nuff said. I guess theyre ok if you wanna go slow and be old; they corner like CRAP! If you want corner like youre on rails, shim the rubber spacer, make sure you're skis are aligned (slight tow out), and sharpen those stinkin carbides already!
duallies do get rid of darting, i do decent with em, just changes riding style a little, enter a corner a little hot and use the brake a little to keep pressure on skis, because yes they do push in the corners alot. as far as alignment and toe it helps alot no matter what ski and runner setup u have. guess ur setup depends on what ur willing to spend. i have seen some simmons and precisions used on ebay lately also.
VIP Member
The_Paragon said:Dually Carbides SUCK... 'nuff said. I guess theyre ok if you wanna go slow and be old; they corner like CRAP! If you want corner like youre on rails, shim the rubber spacer, make sure you're skis are aligned (slight tow out), and sharpen those stinkin carbides already!
Exactly.... why spend big $ putting on band aids instead of going to the root and curing the problem ?
New member
Vmax540 said:Exactly.... why spend big $ putting on band aids instead of going to the root and curing the problem ?
Now thats the way to think! I run stock Yamaha ski's and wouldnt dream of spending even a dime on somthing else!
New member
Ran stock srx skis for years, even with chamber & toe set they still wanted to dart. Tried the shims under the blocks, slight improvement. Picked up a set of C&A Razors from Rich and on the advice from the guys at FAST thru some duallys under them.
Now I have zero darting under any condition, tight in corners and awesome floatation in the deep stuff. A real joy to drive now, I find myself going one hand when the trail is clear cause it's that comfortable to drive now...Just my experience...
Now I have zero darting under any condition, tight in corners and awesome floatation in the deep stuff. A real joy to drive now, I find myself going one hand when the trail is clear cause it's that comfortable to drive now...Just my experience...