fuel pump on SRX

just checked my main jetting.Looks like I installed them in the wrong order.. :o| #1 should be 147.5 (PTO)
#2 should be 146.3 (Center)
#3 should be 146.3 (Mag)

I had 147.5 at #3 and 146.3 on # 1..in reverse..my fault when cleaning carbs last October.Good thing I checked just now.

Just to confirm..#1 is PTO side isn't it.....
thanks alot Jeff.just needed to hear that from you...boy sometime you think you have everything figured out and try to be careful..yet later find out that you didn't.Everything counts on these sleds to be precise.
Holy crap... My 00 SRX has PTO 151.3 and the other two are 150's. Fuel screws are 1 1/2 turns out. It has triple pipes with stingers. I get the idle hang occasionally. I think I'm gonna crank the fuel screw out to 1 7/8 - 2 turns out.
I have stock jetting and with DCS I have no issues at all.Plugs are a nice color to boot.I used to run 2001 SRX jetting specs,but on warmer days the sled is a dog..want her crisp.Done a lot of 1 mile plus WOT runs with not an issue
depends how bad your eyes are.Without my glasses on I am doomed.I bought a large magnifying glass just to make sure the numbers on the jets are what they really are.Even with glasses on it is hard to focus on certain numbers.
