Planning a trip to WI or MI. I was thinking either Ironwood, Bessemer or up to Twin lakes...
Snow conditions ?
Anybody can give me some tips on where to stay....?
Snow conditions ?
Anybody can give me some tips on where to stay....?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
We got some snow, trails pretty worked over though. Supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow. I wouldnt say conditions here are worth traveling to.
That is Twin Lakes ?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
No, Not twin lakes. I am 3/4s the way up lower penninsula. Just chiming in as I am in MI.
Ok, thanks....
I will wait to see how the weekend turns out...
I will wait to see how the weekend turns out...
Im leaving Presque Isle saturday morning and heading to the Hoop-n-hollar for lunch if you want to meet. You cant miss me. Just look for the wheelchair! 

Not this weekend, but the following....?
Have you been out...? Any places to stay that you recommend.
Have you been out...? Any places to stay that you recommend.
New member
Nicko - We're planning a trip 1/19. Let us know what you find.
VIP Member
Call me Nick.
Check out Twin Lakes, Park View Lodge and grill. Great place to stay. Krupps convieniance store is only place to buy fuel for a long way. Nice people great gas. Another alternative to Krupps or Parkview is the DNR house. I heard it is 4 bdr, 2 bath, around $100 night. Cheaper than the other two. Al
We left from Presque Isle sat morning and went to the Hoop n Holler on Gogebic. Trails had fair amount of snow but most of it was rough. Rode west of minocqua on sunday. Not a ton of snow but trails were better there. Finally got out to put some miles on!

New member
trail cond
Just got back from Ishpeming, The trails on 1-5-11 from Ishpeming to watersmeet were great, 1-6-11 to wakefield great after that TRASH all the way up to trail 1, Never made it had to turn around and go to Bergland,mi on trail 8 also TRASH, then rode trail 13 to Rockland also TRASH. 1-7-11 got 6" of snow over night rode from Rockland to Ispheming good till we got to Ispheming then Thin.Our plan was to also go to Copper harbor from Rockland but no such luck. Hope this helps you. If you want a truthful report call MEYERS YAMAHA in Ishpeming great people know them personally. How was the ride in Gwen this past weekend?
Just got back from Ishpeming, The trails on 1-5-11 from Ishpeming to watersmeet were great, 1-6-11 to wakefield great after that TRASH all the way up to trail 1, Never made it had to turn around and go to Bergland,mi on trail 8 also TRASH, then rode trail 13 to Rockland also TRASH. 1-7-11 got 6" of snow over night rode from Rockland to Ispheming good till we got to Ispheming then Thin.Our plan was to also go to Copper harbor from Rockland but no such luck. Hope this helps you. If you want a truthful report call MEYERS YAMAHA in Ishpeming great people know them personally. How was the ride in Gwen this past weekend?
Nicko,Trails were pertty tuff around Inonwood and Wakefield trail 11N is a non starter logs still across the trail.The trails around Lake Gogebic were real good (trails 1,2,
But the further we went from the lake the trails turn to sh!t mainly (2) back to Wakefield.We went up Sunday and found a place in Wakefield Northwoods Motel for $48.00 a nite and there is a little cafe in Wakefield called Ma's cafe that serves a really good breakfast and great cup of coffee
Here a toll free trail conditions # 1-800-522-5657.So stop thinking about it and do it! We did it and have no regrets we were in the game!

New member
Forcast looks promising for thursday - saturday. Heading to Ontonagan thursday. hoping for the best 

New member
hi nick just wondering what your up to these days , would like to get together to catch upon life hope your family is good , happy holidays scottPlanning a trip to WI or MI. I was thinking either Ironwood, Bessemer or up to Twin lakes...
Snow conditions ?
Anybody can give me some tips on where to stay....?