The black one looks like an arctic cat to me..gotta go with the snow devil! white!
VIP Member
voted black but when the white ones done.....
New member
You know I like the black one, but the white one does sit nice. The windshield on the black one does it for me. But I think the white one will run a little stronger than the black one.
New member
Black all the way! But it needs the billet Ski-tips.. with matching bar-ends, gas cap, and pull rope handle (not the bumper though)

they both look sweet. i voted black myself something about the black one.. i just like the way it looks.
Active member
voted white. black looks really plain and boring
Black one looks wicked bad.
I like both of them..can't choose!
thanks for all the votes and ideas I will be adding more to these sleds as winter goes on. just want to ride them.I have the white one running good in the shop. now need snow to test things.
Which one are you going to run the Power Inc pipes on?
On the white sled also have Mr viper aggressive trailport. Vforce reeds power inc silencer. i am almost dome wrapping the pipes. Trying to keep the pipes hot.
amatosrx said:On the white sled also have Mr viper aggressive trailport. Vforce reeds power inc silencer. i am almost dome wrapping the pipes. Trying to keep the pipes hot.
Very interested in how those power incs work for you as I have a set of coated power incs hanging in the garage that I haven't got around to installing yet.
Keep us posted
I think the white hood just needs something so you can see the shape. it is SO white that I cant see the lines of the hood. I do like the blue on the white with billet accents for sure though