trail pass


New member
Feb 5, 2011
I feel for the people that paid and have yet to be able to use the trails. This late in the season the ofsc should think ok pricing permits accordingly or come up with day passes in the $20 range or the clubs are really gonna suffer, now if they miss the boat on this and keep stickin to the riders they will make no money this yr.come on $250 for the season and $100 for 3 days. Gee cant underatand why people arent buyin passes lol
blueblood68 said:
I feel for the people that paid and have yet to be able to use the trails. This late in the season the ofsc should think ok pricing permits accordingly or come up with day passes in the $20 range or the clubs are really gonna suffer, now if they miss the boat on this and keep stickin to the riders they will make no money this yr.come on $250 for the season and $100 for 3 days. Gee cant underatand why people arent buyin passes lol

The passes are 75$ too high for the season in our districts.
Just dropped 138 bucks to renew registrations (3 sleds) and have yet to buy trail passes of yet and there only 45 per permit for the season here. I am starting to think the srx is going to set this season out and ride the sxr and poo-laris around the yard!
I dropped $400 on 2 trail passes and $600 on insurance in December. 30km on both sleds this year! Not only that but i saw a vintage Ducati out for a ride this morning!!!!!! WTF
man them prices are steep for you..Here I can get basic insurance for my sleds at $81 a piece with 1 million liability. Trail pass's are $125..but who woul be stupid enough to buy them when there is no snow..and guys that did..hope they refund them something back since trials are closed..
blueblood68 said:
.come on $250 for the season and $100 for 3 days.

Holy Crap!! Thats alotta $$. I just spent $90 for 2 permits to ride for a weekend in northern MI and I thought they bumped their heads.
$200.00 (x2) for insurance, $200.00 (x2) trail passes, $15 (x2) for registration and I haven't even put fuel in them yet! It better snow soon....gettin' antsy LOL
both my sleds are vintage, 99 SRX and 96 Vmax, permits were $85 ea, insurance 1 Million Liability (Wawanessa Ins) was $54/sled i'm riding that MoFo this weekend.2 inches here,an hour North in Edmonston NB, Mnt Carleton NB is a good Foot, trails been dragged for 2 or 3 weeks, yeehaaa"
Ya OFSC needs to do something to help control prices in Ontario. $250.00 is a bit silly for a trail pass for the season.I didn't buy this year because of the B.S. pricing.When the snow flies I will buy a Michigan trail pass for 45.00 instead.I understand OFSC can't control weather but the Dec 1st deadline for the $200.00 deal is kinda silly why buy a pass when I still see grass in my front yard.If they truly wanted to keep Ontario snowmobiler riding in Ontario that would lower pricing and also give some keep of better deal to people when snow conditions are crappy.If they keep charging full boar prices when are seasons are this short I believe OFSC's days are numbered. :letitsnow
grizz686 said:
Ya OFSC needs to do something to help control prices in Ontario. $250.00 is a bit silly for a trail pass for the season.I didn't buy this year because of the B.S. pricing.When the snow flies I will buy a Michigan trail pass for 45.00 instead.I understand OFSC can't control weather but the Dec 1st deadline for the $200.00 deal is kinda silly why buy a pass when I still see grass in my front yard.If they truly wanted to keep Ontario snowmobiler riding in Ontario that would lower pricing and also give some keep of better deal to people when snow conditions are crappy.If they keep charging full boar prices when are seasons are this short I believe OFSC's days are numbered. :letitsnow
and I thought out price of 125 was would never ever see me pay 250 for a pass..I would cross country ride and screw the trials...with the population you have in Ontario and the riders,,they are screwing you guys good..I could never afford to pay for pass's .Good thing I live outside of the BIG City and can just jump on my sleds and make my own trials..why would I pay someone else for using a trial..If I lived in the City I probably wouldn't be a sledder.Would cost way to much to trailer out everytime and most of all being concerned about theft of sleds right off your driveway would discourage me.
$250 is just retarded, the time has come where they need to review the pricing .the pass should never exceed $150 .its no wonder nobody buys them nobody can afford them. I think that the permit money lines a few pockets and buys a couple new sleds. Volunteers do everything so where does the money go hmmm (ripped off) lol
its just like any other business or Gov..take more and give less but line their pockets first and don't care about the little guy who is supposed to be their main goal..yeah right..once the Greed sets is all over.They will control the mass's and will keep charging higher fees and know that if you want to ride them will pay.Well maybe riders should start a rally or boycott on certain trails...myself I hate being told what to especially when it comes to sledding...Don't know what the penalty is in Ontario if you are caught without a pass,but here it is around $478 I think.Now how did they come up with that figure.I know guys here who drive on the trail system and have never been stopped.....
I was just if my wife and my daughters all sled and have to pay pass's.that would be $1000 for 1 family.That is nuts.Also I have 2 sleds and I cannot transfer from one to the other.That also is insane.I would have to put out double the fee to ride either one sled..since I can't ride two of them at one time..that has to be changed...:o|
It still costs the same to insure, maintain, and manage the trail system regardless of when or how much snowmobilers ride them. The individual permit cost is driven by total published trail system costs and offset by the expected total permit sales.

That said, the overall process could likely be improved enough to reduce permit fees, but likely not anywhere near enough to make everybody happy.
I sold my last artic cat to a buddy of mine 11 years ago. The reg is expired still in my name, he has never bought a trail permit and rides it every where! I just know the first time I pulled out on to the trail expired they would hit me like the local donut shop! Cant help but wonder if this lack of snow had anything to due with buying a 3rd plow truck over the summer???? I have yet to plow once!
I never buy a trail permite.... only insurNce and anyways.. my sled is faster then thos silly officers.. i know every trail around here by heart and can find a lake or river to outrun them at any time (ice or water..)

250$ is crazy!! I bought one once and thats it. even my old man that follows the law step by step doesnt get a pass.
insurance on my new nytro: $998 for the year. Full Coverage. paid in full for discount(dont ask lol)

registration: NYS $180

registration IN VT recognized: $125 trail pass.

miles ridden this year: 148miles.

$8.80 per mile

NOT including hotel rooms x 3 nights and fuel to get to tug hill and home.

im pissed i wish i waited , and i wish i never bought a new sled . at this rate i could have finished the project srx in time for snow and saved my pennies
who would pay for insurance like that..not friggin me..that is why I ride the older stuff for basically free compared what you paid to get yours running..holy cow !! you must have money burning a hole in your pocket..My truck insurance is under $500 to run.
nevermind things being more expensive, i live in CT... i know guys that pay more than me by a couple hundred...

i have friends in other states, they cant believe the cost of living in CT
