I have bought a pass in Ontario for the past 4 years. I get one just before the Dec 1st deadline so I can save the 50 dollars, cost is 200 before the dealine and 250 afterwards.
There is a massive marked trail system in Ontario but in recent years there is hardly enough snow to keep it all open. 10 years ago maybe but not anymore.
I know a number of guys that ride all time without buying a pass. Trails or lakes.
I feel like a sucker but .... I'd rather pay to keep the OFSC running. Otherwise we're going to end up with cops running us off fields and telling us to go home. And we might end up with no trails at all.
Not sure if OFSC is government or not. The clubs are allowed, by the government, to collect a fee for maintaining a part of the trail system. Its important to pick the club where you ride when you do buy a pass as I dont think that the money is shared amoung clubs. For instance, if you bought a pass at a dealership in Toronto you might end up giving your money to a snowmobile club in Toronto. I live in Ajax, very close to Toronto, and there hasnt been any snow to ride on in Ajax for years but there used to be. If you dont pick the right club you might give you rmoney to a club that does nothing.
The trails themselves can be private land or government land but both must give permission to create the trail on their land.
Like running old rail beds, if its not a trail the owner (CN) can kick you off and charge you with trespassing.
If you are caught with out a pass you are forced to buy one, no fine.
There is a massive marked trail system in Ontario but in recent years there is hardly enough snow to keep it all open. 10 years ago maybe but not anymore.
I know a number of guys that ride all time without buying a pass. Trails or lakes.
I feel like a sucker but .... I'd rather pay to keep the OFSC running. Otherwise we're going to end up with cops running us off fields and telling us to go home. And we might end up with no trails at all.
Not sure if OFSC is government or not. The clubs are allowed, by the government, to collect a fee for maintaining a part of the trail system. Its important to pick the club where you ride when you do buy a pass as I dont think that the money is shared amoung clubs. For instance, if you bought a pass at a dealership in Toronto you might end up giving your money to a snowmobile club in Toronto. I live in Ajax, very close to Toronto, and there hasnt been any snow to ride on in Ajax for years but there used to be. If you dont pick the right club you might give you rmoney to a club that does nothing.
The trails themselves can be private land or government land but both must give permission to create the trail on their land.
Like running old rail beds, if its not a trail the owner (CN) can kick you off and charge you with trespassing.
If you are caught with out a pass you are forced to buy one, no fine.
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I live in Ottawa and we rarely have really good snow
This year I bought two passes and can't use the trails yet
The passes are way too expensive in Ontario, I beleive the OFSC is ruining snowmobiling in Ontario
This year I bought two passes and can't use the trails yet
The passes are way too expensive in Ontario, I beleive the OFSC is ruining snowmobiling in Ontario
trying buying 3 passes at $200 each, 3 registrations and insurance for the 3 sleds. i've got approx $1250 into it and I haven't even seen snow yet. to make matters worst i bought a used 2011 Apex XTX this year 

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Ontario has 34,000 km's of Snowmobile Trails all interconnected. Who else can say they can ride (when open) 34,000 km's of sled trails in their province or state? Nobody! Well worth the $200 or $250 when the weather cooperates.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
burg226 said:Ontario has 34,000 km's of Snowmobile Trails all interconnected. Who else can say they can ride (when open) 34,000 km's of sled trails in their province or state? Nobody! Well worth the $200 or $250 when the weather cooperates.
Are theyall groomed regularly? all 34,000 km? Maybe thats why the permits are so much? Michigans are going up to 50 next year. they get any where near your rates i think I will have to find a new hobby!
I used to buy 4 Ontario Trail passes a year...I am now down to one regular at $200.00 and one Vintage for my VMAX4.
I live close to the A trail that passes thru my area and I see a lot [I estimate 80%] of the sleds coming off the A trail onto the lake by my place that have NO trail pass at all!
I agree in Ontario the permits are too expensive but to fix the problem we all need to be buying passes or no one should be buying passes.
-If everyone that uses the trail bought a pass the rates would come down in price
-if no one bought trail passes the trails would close and nothing would be groomed, soon everyone would be complaining and want to pay to reopen and groom trails!
I personally would like everyone to have to contribute to grooming and maintaining the trails as part of our sled registration...if that were the case we would probably be paying less then $50.00 each and it would elliminate the free loaders!
Ontario"s system is definately broken.
Thanks for letting me vent!
I live close to the A trail that passes thru my area and I see a lot [I estimate 80%] of the sleds coming off the A trail onto the lake by my place that have NO trail pass at all!
I agree in Ontario the permits are too expensive but to fix the problem we all need to be buying passes or no one should be buying passes.
-If everyone that uses the trail bought a pass the rates would come down in price
-if no one bought trail passes the trails would close and nothing would be groomed, soon everyone would be complaining and want to pay to reopen and groom trails!
I personally would like everyone to have to contribute to grooming and maintaining the trails as part of our sled registration...if that were the case we would probably be paying less then $50.00 each and it would elliminate the free loaders!
Ontario"s system is definately broken.
Thanks for letting me vent!
I agree
If prices went down they would sell more
Too many people use the trails without them and that sucks to see after buying two of the damn things
I haven't been on a trail yet this year. Damn it again!!
I didn't buy one last year and I didn't use the trails
If prices went down they would sell more
Too many people use the trails without them and that sucks to see after buying two of the damn things
I haven't been on a trail yet this year. Damn it again!!
I didn't buy one last year and I didn't use the trails
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New member
The ofsc is definitly broken but all brought on by their own doing. As for buy where u ride ive driven through lots of different clubs trail and ya they had a groomer but never used it people ride and dont pay cause its too much money. They stop selling day passes for those who do try to pay then they charge $100 for a 3 day pass they r just stupid whos the rocket scientist who put that little pricing deal in place. I know people will buy day passes to avoid having to run the warden but come on price it right if u overprice the passes nobody will buy them. The ofsc is ruining the sport give people the choice 1,3,10 day passes get something or get nothing so far they've chosen nothing i dont pay that much money to drive my truck on the road and there is way more than 34000km of trail i use

if they start to fine people there like they do in Manitoba..people may not take a chance.The fine here if caught without a pass is around $478..that hurts.I agree they should have like 3 or 5 or 10 day pass's..but cheap.They would make more money as more people would come out more oftern and ride..they would still make money.I would say a 3 day pass should go for like $10.00. Average 4 weekends a month that is $40 times 4 months equals $160.Better then no one buying for $100 for 3 days..where are their brains..is it the Government that runs everything ..sick pr*cks
A SEASON pass in Manitoba is around $120.00 That's cheap!!!
Take your wife out to two movies with popcorn and drinks and you're spending almost that.
A SEASON pass in Manitoba is around $120.00 That's cheap!!!
Take your wife out to two movies with popcorn and drinks and you're spending almost that.