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I'm getting 7 fast flashes on the temp light on my 98 srx, when i idle it down the Pv servo does nor rotate like it should. Earlier this year my key and kill switch didn't work so i by passed the black/white wire so they would work. Would that have anything to do with it.
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I had the same problem with my 98 srx700. PVs would not open below 900 rpm or at high rpm. It made the sled a lot slower. Fixed the wiring harness underneath the engine. PVs have worked great ever since. This is a very common problem with the srx, do a search and you will find good posts on how to fix. (My temp light also blinked several times, I can't remember exactly how many)
New member
i have already pullled the harness under the engine and it is good.
is there tension on the cables?
They may be adjusted way too tight.
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the cables don't seem to tight
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How do you know the harness is good? I had to unwrap my entire harness, and closely inspect each wire for a possible rub through. I found a brown wire that had some insulation rubbed through, replaced the wire, re-wrapped and re-routed the harness and my problem was fixed.
I also would be leaning towards a harness chaff issue somewhere on sled grounding out the circuit. I will tell you in the past I have had to replace the cdi box on the 98-99 srx because the harness had shorted out and ruined the powervalve circuit in the cdi. The sled would run just fine till you hit 6500rpm and then it would just be lazy and not run over 7500 rpm max because the powervalves wouldnt open up. I found this out by going after the harness first, repairing the bad sections:
1.) under the engine(most common)
2.) by the cdi on left footwell
3.)up by steering stem pad all are places for it to rub and short.
After fixing the chaff the servo was still dead, (servo itself check out good) and the cdi was at fault( I think its damaged by the arcing of the circuit to ground on chassis)
1.) under the engine(most common)
2.) by the cdi on left footwell
3.)up by steering stem pad all are places for it to rub and short.
After fixing the chaff the servo was still dead, (servo itself check out good) and the cdi was at fault( I think its damaged by the arcing of the circuit to ground on chassis)
New member
i went through the wires under the engine found a rub through fixed it rode the sled for a week, decided i should adjust my powervalves, started doing it, went to idle engine down and nothing happened then i noticed my temp light flasing
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had the exact same issue, and my ground wire was rubber through..... I fixed that, then found a 12V PW servo wire that had rubbed as well.
Why they ever ran the wires like that Ill never understand
Check WAY DOWN by stator too....mine was rubbing on chassis bolt that rubbed the 12V PV servo wire
Why they ever ran the wires like that Ill never understand
Check WAY DOWN by stator too....mine was rubbing on chassis bolt that rubbed the 12V PV servo wire
New member
is there two grounds on the sled? I know there is one by the cdi box
I had the same error code and after checking the whole harness for grounding.....found nothing....then swapped servo motor..nothing...same ended up being a bad CDI box.
I had the same error code and after checking the whole harness for grounding.....found nothing....then swapped servo motor..nothing...same ended up being a bad CDI box.
New member
now i decided to let it run and we finally have a lil snow here, i rode it a lil while and its not going on? I cant fully open it up in my yard but it went to 8 grand. Ill have to see if i can see it rotate open at low idle. I did have my cdi bow out to re run my black/white wire
New member
Actually, i went back and found my old post. When I had 7 flashes, it was because my PV's were really loose after top end rebuild.
When my servo power was rubbed, I had 3 flashes
If the vales are adjusted properly, Id look for rubs personally. There have just been way to many posts where that was the issue.
When my servo power was rubbed, I had 3 flashes
If the vales are adjusted properly, Id look for rubs personally. There have just been way to many posts where that was the issue.
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how much volts should be going tot the servo, can i test for that?
i had the same problem ...light olny flashes when you are doing like 60+ and are haed on the throttle? if so its cause your cbales are too tight if i remember correct .....if you want to test the servo get your battery charger out and on low ....power the black with red stripe and ground the black with the yellow and it will open servo and if you switch it to power the black with yellow and ground the black with red it will close the servo ....that will tell you if the servo is bad or if you have a bad wire somewere ....if your servo is bad let me know i have a couple extra servos i need to get rid of
New member
yeah, it flashes periodicly, i raced my 2 friends one one a 03 x edge 600 and a 99 vmax 600 both with reeds and fresh rebuilds, and i ran dead even with them all the way, my PV's cant be working correctly
test ur servo see if it works if so your cables are too tight or you are not getting power to the servo
New member
i took a battery charger and connected to the servo power to the black/red wire and ground to black/yellow wire and vise versa and the cables did not move nothing happened in the servo. tested with sled off. Is it just the two wires (black/yellow and black/red) that power the servo? I'm guessing i need a new servo.