Put it back together and it's worse than before (video)

I think that we need to know more about your sled. I'm running a 01 red head with pipes, porting, reeds and spacers at 4000 to 6000ft with 57.5 pilots and 143.8 mains fuel screw 1.5 turns out no bogs, those 130s seem very lean.
Hey guys, bad news.

Me and the lady went up with both of my sleds the day before yesterday.

The MM was giving me the bog issue and then the polaris was giving me issues starting again after we would shut it off when it was warm. I've been dealing with both issues all winter long..... Hunting down solutions and then fixing things.

Well I finally got so stressed and angry about it that I blew up and wasn't very nice to my lady. Between that incident and spending all of my spare time hid away in the garage, something needed to happen.

Long story short, yesterday morning I went to the dealership and traded in the MM and the Polaris for a new Polaris Pro Rmk 800.

So for the first time in about 20 years, I do not own anything Yamaha.

But I have a bunch of spare stuff that I picked up along the way and will be making a post with the items for sale.

Thanks for all of the help, I'm a bit bummed that I couldn't figure it out before I lost my temper but I feel so so light chested now knowing my sled is now fully covered for 5 years.
Ya, it's not blue but it's supposed to be the best bang for the buck going right now, for mountain riding.

Honestly I don't see a lot of blue machines out here in CO... About the only ones I see are rentals, it's kind of weird. Brand new phazer rentals, 175 for 4 hours.

I think I've seen one pack of blue machines in the passed couple months that weren't rentals. I've actually seen more MM's out here than I've seen new yamis
Mysledblows said:
If I was buying a brand new one just to mountain ride it would be hard to not get a pro.

Hey that makes me feel better!

The last time I wasn't on a yamaha was when I was maybe 7 or 8 years old and it was a Honda cr-60 dirt bike, back when honda was smashing things.

So about 20 years ago
Not many blue ones around here with all the mountain riding either. The other three brands dominate the mountain market, no one can get past the huge weight of the 4-strokes. Riding in powder is all about power to weight ratio.
The only guys buying Apex's are the ones with really deep pockets...after they put aftermarket parts on to lighten them up and slap on turbos, they have a $25,000 sled.

I haven't upgraded simply because we do a lot of camping, and need another ATV before a new sled...wife and kids would much rather have more ATV's rather than sleds. Too seasonal.

If I were to go buy another sled right now, it would be an 800cc, either a Pro RMK, M8, or an XP, somewhere in the 155" track range. Dependability would then be my biggest concern...and the rider-forward design doesn't exactly make it easy to work on those things.
Easier to simply stay with my Viper...it's paid off, does really well considering the track length, and I know how to work on it. If I don't, then there's this place. ;)!

I think your MM issue was the pilot jets...145 was stock and you're riding at 8000-10,000 feet, 162.5 jets had to have it running pig rich on the idle circuit.

Just keep up on performing smart maintenance and it should be fine...hands down the most sleds I see towed back to the parking lot are the ones that the owner just gasses and goes. And I'm impressed with the 5 year warranty, must have purchased it? The dealers around here all only go one year.
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Ya the poo has a factory 2 so I paid $900 for the extra 3 years.

I don't feel ripped off at all ( :
Ended up being a good thing that boss takes forever...

Ordered a seat on December 3rd and ended up canceling the order Tuesday... They hadn't started on it yet
Sucks to get to that point when your all stressed out that's for sure. You shouldn't have any worries any time soon. Good luck with the new sled and be safe.
