Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Did you click on the link I posted? The curved part of that 20 dollar tool hangs on inside of fixed sheeve on primary ( where the belt would be) Then the "handle" part should lay straight across inside of secondary. The 15mm is set up in the handle. I have never tried the "straight edge" method. Thinking the process threw, I would put straight edge on secondary then check the gap between straight edge and back of inner sheeve on primary AT FRONT AND BACK. If you engine is crooked in there it could be 15mm on back and 17 in front= NO GOOD!

never going to be 100% but get it as close as possible.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Thats why i bought the 20 dollar tool. If your offset is offset than not only are you going to have squelling issues you should buy stock in what ever brand belt you run as you will go threw them more often. If your center to center is off a little its not going to kill your wallet like the offset will. If I worked on more sleds I could justify spending the big dollars on the aultra cool aluminuim swing army one.
Nevermind on the adjusting clutches issue. I think I blew it up today. Something has been knocking inside the engine at idle for a while. I think it's because I put 87 octane gas in and it was spark knock. But I was riding around the house and it bogged out and died. It started right back up but is very doggy and when I try to give it gas, it just backfires at me. (not TORS, it's disabled.) It was dark out by then so I didn't get to pull plugs etc... I'm hoping it maybe just got hot and overheated as it was a little low on coolant, but the heat exchangers didn't seem HOT HOT. I had the TPS unplugged so the idiot light was flashing at me. It seemed to be running excellent, then bog and died. What's weird to me, is that when I started it the time before, none of the dash lights were working nor the headlight. (100% sure it's not a harness issue). I shut it off, started it again. Nothing. Shut it off, let it sit a few minutes, started it, and everything was working again. Could I have done something electrical by running it with the TPS unplugged? And by the way, the idle issue went away with the TPS unplugged. I could set it at a certain RPM and it would come down to it every time.
New member
u wont hurt anything from having t.p.s. unplugged. would not leave it like that. will not have overall performance i would not think and idle will likely act up again. plus with light flashing u may not be aware of some other problem that arises. going to install new t.p.s. today probaly, and one on my brothers viper in the next few days. will report results. your lights going off and onj could be an issue with a wire(s) coming out of your stator.
Felt like it had 100 more HP with the TPS unplugged. If I munched on the throttle, I could lift the skis off the ground about 2-3". With it plugged in, it wouldn't do that.
New member
oh also be careful of suggesting that u are 100% sure of something not being an issue. assuming and troubleshooting mix like oil and water most of the time.
I had the wiring harness out a few weeks ago and it was flawless. I pulled the entire front harness apart, inspected it, retaped it twice and put wire loom around it. Have put 2 miles on the sled since. OK, you win David. 99% sure. LoL Thanks for the help though!