02 Viper starts cold.Won't start warm?

banditcj7 said:
Thats a viper! iv got the 04 viper s and when warm u just giv her 1/4 throttle and rip it, They love fuel!
i think cracking throttle at first introduces some extra air to go with the fuel that is sucked in when engine dies down when shut off. bottom line- whatever works
Odd, I've never needed to touch the throttle when warm already. I can sit on my machine and give a quick light pull to get it going. From cold it's a differnet story. Both hands on deck.
same here, 4 hard pulls full choke cold. 1,maybe 2 sittin on sled warm.But as for 700 compression, this triple starts /pulls easier then my 600 Vmax by far.I think my 12 year old boy can start it warm, not cold.
