most of the people here dont use booster, asw long as u use good fuel to begin with, might not be a bad idea to have a jug in the trunk in case u get somewehere u cant get anything but regular or something. opticool is also a good idea, if ur rebuilding anyways, why not., raising the needles also, ive seen lately that even in yamaha parts microphich they have changed the standard pilots - the 47.5 part number replaced the stock 45's. that should say something to people about the subject on of fuel these days.
x2 on the riding style change, i have my viper and an rs nytro, like em both but are very different riding styles. literaly hated the nytro when i first got it, till afer a ride or 2 and started getting use to it. i still cant convince myself to get rid of the 2 smoke, still kicking myself for gettin rid of the srx, guess ill hang on to the viper a while longer( giving it a little more power though)
x2 on the riding style change, i have my viper and an rs nytro, like em both but are very different riding styles. literaly hated the nytro when i first got it, till afer a ride or 2 and started getting use to it. i still cant convince myself to get rid of the 2 smoke, still kicking myself for gettin rid of the srx, guess ill hang on to the viper a while longer( giving it a little more power though)
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Canadian Viper
New member
Thanks for the info, will do!I have been learning the hard way!
I burned down a great running sx motor one winter by saying the magic words, one tank wont hurt it. New gas has everyone changing their habits, I find some gas stops now don't carry reg, only super.
While that motor is down, may as well do some mild porting. I would guess your going to have at least one bearing starting to rattle beside the pump drive. It is getting rare for me to scrap a sled without having to send a crank out for one or both of these bearings. I would crack the case apart and make sure.
While that motor is down, may as well do some mild porting. I would guess your going to have at least one bearing starting to rattle beside the pump drive. It is getting rare for me to scrap a sled without having to send a crank out for one or both of these bearings. I would crack the case apart and make sure.
Canadian Viper
New member
Thanks, going to put 3 pistons in with a new cylinder. Bought a new 2011 vector ltx gt. Drove on the lake for 30 kms, loved it! Already mad, decals pealing of lower cowl, will post pics tommorow.Here in Ontario, Canada you need registration number on the designer said this is common on yamahas on the lower black portion. Not happy , Viper had no probs
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New member
Were you running old gasoline or just 87 octane?
Canadian Viper
New member
87 % octane with ethanol
hows the performance of that vector compared to the viper? (before you blew the viper up)
I ran about 4 gallons of 87 octane in my 00 SRX once. It knocked like mad.. Never again.
Canadian Viper
New member
Love the vector, but only put 45 kms on it. Long track(136)without studs hooks up better than viper, and noticed it a lot more bottom end torque. Breaking it in,so I can,t tell u about top end, but so far Im pleased. Looked tonight in the garage, viper has not a mark om it, and still would be proud to drive it. Never a sweetier sounding sled! May not even sell it!
Everyone keeps saying run premium only but I strongly disagree with this unless you know with 100% certainty that the gas is good. Most of the little gas stations that you hit up on a snowmobile never sell their premium gas and it goes stale before you even put it in your sled. If I pull into a small town gas station I never put premium in and only run their regular 87 or 89 octane fuel. I have burned down 3 sleds by putting in premium gas at little gas stations that never sell it.
Canadian Viper
New member
Looking for a cylinder in great shape, let me know if anyone has one? Thanks