has the old SRX out again


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
had the old SRX out again

took her for a ride today.It was bad getting to the River this time as snow is sketchy in the ditch's now.This is such a BS season is all I can say.Still have the 8bu-10's in the primary.Still have .85g inner and 5.7g outer.Using w-w-w spring with 2 engagement shims.Secondary has green spring at 70 with 51/43.I am over reving slightly to 8600 some of the times.Having a hard time getting past 100 on the speedo.Finally did 1 long pull,was a little rough at places and think I hit 110..but took its time...no very happy. Any ways turned around and marched back home.The sled is pretty dirty now from riding the ditches.Had no overheating or DCS flashing at all,I do run ice scratchers since the river has marginal snow on it.
Checked everything over when I got home.I am having a big problem trying to get the idle down to normal.Last time I had it all warmed up from a ride it was idling around 2000,so turned down the screw to where it looked to be around 1750 rpm.Today goes to start it..took 5 pulls after a week of sitting..then was hardly idling past 1000..so I feathered the throttle until it warmed up and finally idling around 1500.Went riding on the river and when I stop it idles around 2000 again..wtf!! :o| so turned the screw down again..got home and still had to turn it down until I get about 1600 rpm.Don't understand why this is going on,so next time I start it cold it will idle to low again cold... :o|
Now I checked everything in engine compartment as I usually do after a ride and I new it..there is coolant dripping slowly from the bottom of the water pump cover.Now could this be because of a gasket issue or dripping from weep hole down and then dropping in chasis.. #$%&* Had new seals installed when I rebuilt the motor before last season..this is nuts man.Getting to a point where I just wanna give up the SRX already.
I at this point am seriously thinking of parting out the beast.Just can't win sometimes.I am going to draw up a list of parts and prices and see if it will be worth the time or just ride the sled into the River in Spring melt..yep I said it..give up on the beast..can't believe I am saying that.Basically can't afford to keep 2 sleds going anymore..
I am considering a part out and will make it known if I am or not in the next month or so.. :o| :o|
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thanks..but this whole season has been depressing to say the least..and all I needed was another problem.Sure don't feel like pulling out the motor again to fix the leak now...
just sell it to me. ill give ya a 1000 for it. then you dont have to worry about the aggravation of pulling it all apart. ;)! :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide:
when it warms up I will remove the pipes,drain coolant and remove cover and see if I can detect the problem first.And I have been told I am running to much weight in the primary and to not run more then 51 grams total per weight.Right now I am in around 53.26 g and enagement shims are raising the rpm to high also.Maybe I could luck out yet..but the leak bothers me right now..I am so angry.
that beast is way to clean to be parts out blue ....park it and wrench on it went your smile will be back on
have a cold one man alright thats just for starts. what i do some times is just pretend you never seen the machine before and it is a gift that needs some work.
So you went 110 on the speedo better thsn last year!!! Im depressed as well I really thought we would get a big dumping of snow by know. Nice weather for the next week as well kinda sucks oh well. :letitsnow
What else you got to do Blue. Fix that old beast. Cant ride anyway. Just finally got my fixer upper back together after the broken bar tree incident. We have about 6-8 in of snow but wind today blew fields bout bare. This has definetly been a sh***y winter. Anyway fix that beauty.
Bluemonster2 said:
So you went 110 on the speedo better thsn last year!!! Im depressed as well I really thought we would get a big dumping of snow by know. Nice weather for the next week as well kinda sucks oh well. :letitsnow
lots of tracks on the River but no one around at all.Some snow has to come by March
yami1 said:
What else you got to do Blue. Fix that old beast. Cant ride anyway. Just finally got my fixer upper back together after the broken bar tree incident. We have about 6-8 in of snow but wind today blew fields bout bare. This has definetly been a sh***y winter. Anyway fix that beauty.
just re- did clutch set up and removed 1.3 g from each weight for a total of 52 grams and removed the 2 engagement shims..should pull better and not hold back.As for the leak..it seems to only drip at idle.The coolant bottle has not dropped at all.So if I go for a ride again..if I can..it won't bother me so much.But I doubt I will be able to ride anymore the way it is out.Ready for Spring clean up soon ....gonna go sharpen my garden tractor blades and change oil and filter soon.Sleds will be fogged and in the shed and out of site.Don't wanna look at them anymore..looking for a cheap dirt bike for next winter because now it would be cool running the ditches and the River with studded tires on it..
