has the old SRX out again

and gas prices soared here today.Premium is now $1.279 a litre.Not going to pay that much to run my sleds now..ridicules :o| $7.03 a gallon..forget it now...
yep it is $5.80 but it costs me that extra $1.23 a litre to go pick it up yet..at least..$5.80 if I sit on the couch..$7.03 if I have to start my truck and ride 5 miles there and 5 miles back for that gas...get real man...lol
Thats a very interesting Equation, Ill have to figure that one in when I get gas for the lawnmower,lol Soo your truck gets 4 mpg? Blue your funny!
you go by imperial gallons? i think its about 3.75 liters to 1 u.s. gallon. tough to keep gas in cars let alone trying to ride sleds
4.54 liters to our gallon..Just saying..we shouldn't have to pay that kinda of money for gas in Canada.We produce our own..but because OPEC exists..we all have to pay more..don't make sense.Those rats are sure gouging us good and all those billions of $ in profits that they make I guess isn't good enough.This world sure needs a shake up..
Gas'd the truck up last nite in Maine while takin mama to Ruby Tuesdays for Valentines supper.Irving Oil lists both prices Can/US on sign
$3.89/Gal US
$1.10Litre Can
Over here i pay $1.35/litre Premium
$1.28.8/litre Regular (New Brunswick)
99 SRX running very consistant 14.8mpg IMP, don,t matter if i got balls to the wall, or trail riding,weird....
gutterboy2ca said:
Gas'd the truck up last nite in Maine while takin mama to Ruby Tuesdays for Valentines supper.Irving Oil lists both prices Can/US on sign
$3.89/Gal US
$1.10Litre Can
Over here i pay $1.35/litre Premium
$1.28.8/litre Regular (New Brunswick)
99 SRX running very consistant 14.8mpg IMP, don,t matter if i got balls to the wall, or trail riding,weird....

Yeah It sucks Its at 1.30 for regular right now and I seriously dont even look at the number when I fill up the sled with super, It kills me, my 1st job was at a Gas Station 15 years ago, and gas prices were 56.9 reg.(Whistler)
Hey blue, fill er up blackout your gauges and have some fun with it. You stress too much, you got a sweet sled in prime shape. enjoy the damn thing!
Rustman said:
Hey blue, fill er up blackout your gauges and have some fun with it. You stress too much, you got a sweet sled in prime shape. enjoy the damn thing!

;)! ;)! ;)!
I know..I know...just need to see the needle drop some..but really hard to enjoy any riding this season..the snow never really showed up..that is more the problem that I am stressed out and bummed out..Basically we did not see any snow at all January and this month so far.What we got a little in early Nov.most of it melted and Dec was a cm or 2 ...can;t believe we don't have snow in the ditch's along the Hwy to even test the sled out..can;t remember that since I have lived at this location for past 27 years..crazy is all I can say..I love my SRX and getting rid of a classic would really hurt I think
gas prices in labrador right now are 1.59 for premium. i sold my 01 srx for $2500 wih the motor gone, no more riding for me until i grab another one next year
Rustman said:
Hey blue, fill er up blackout your gauges and have some fun with it. You stress too much, you got a sweet sled in prime shape. enjoy the damn thing!


Most of us are not doing radar runs so worrying about a few miles an hour top speed is mostly wasted energy.

I think all of us expect more out of our little, old school, 10+ year old, 700s then is realistic.

Ride it and enjoy it!

