So I cleaned up all 4 sheaves on clutches to get rid of belt marks and also cleaned the belt. Wrapped red spring in secondary to 90. Still bogged at WOT. Tried 70, even worse. Put it back to 80 and decided to clean and sand down ramps on helix. No more WOT bog, just only when I start from a standing start. If I run along and gradually go WOT, it stays at 8,300 RPMS. From a standing start, goes to 8,300 and bogs back down to 6,500 and stays there. I took the primary off and going to install new sheave, fixed sheave and spider. I believe my spider shaft is bent slightly giving me all these issues. After 50 miles, no belt marks. Also checked offset and center to center. It is within spec. Any other suggestions out there on what to do? Both clutches have new stock springs. Weights are also stock.

must still be binding somewhere..
New member
for the clutchs to cause a bog must be pulling belt down in secondary when front clutch hits.what you could do is take clutch gaurd off hold brake on and engage clutch and give it a quick hit of the throttle and watch to see if pulls belt in secondary be carful though it doest take off so just hit throttle fast and watch dont hold it
I will try that after I replace Primary. Why would the belt be dropping so low in the seconadary? When I took secondary apart, there were belt marks below the bottom of the sheave. Why would it drop so hard, so fast? New buttons on secondary and new red spring wrapped at stock 80.
New member
not sure but if it does then you know were to look harder
SRX_700 said:I will try that after I replace Primary. Why would the belt be dropping so low in the seconadary? When I took secondary apart, there were belt marks below the bottom of the sheave. Why would it drop so hard, so fast? New buttons on secondary and new red spring wrapped at stock 80.
sure sounds like your not winding the helix correctly to me. no offense meant but I have seen many people not know how to do it, a loose secondary will do exactly this.

Super Moderator
mrviper700 said:sure sounds like your not winding the helix correctly to me. no offense meant but I have seen many people not know how to do it, a loose secondary will do exactly this.
You know mrviper ive had a strange bog this year also from a dead stand still with my 53/43. I believe it was also from my clutch work (rookie at it for sure). The whole wrap on the secondary seems easy and i thought i did it right. But not sure now. Ive read as much as i can on it but i alway felt i might not be doing it right (not enough wrap), but always seemed to work fine till now. when i went back to stock form the 53/43 it seemed to go away. Do you have a easy write up in mind for this? The manual is ok but hard to follow. How to wrap a helix for dummies would be great! Not meaning to hyjack thread but i think this thinking is right on with a lot of bog problems.

LIFE MEMBER ONLY ONCE!!! mean from 2003 you still haven't mastered the wrap the Helix Trick..WHAT!!!

Super Moderator
Never got into clutch tunning much till this last year. Ive taken the secondary apart before but always marked it really well and put it back to stock. All the searches ive read never really gave a good explanation. The one clutch set up i did have for my viper when pipped was already set up for me and spot on. Not saying im not doing it right just not sure. Everything i know about sleds is self taught from this site and then just doing it. Never had anyone to tell me ya or na, just knew if it worked or didnt. So i wouldnt really know if im doing the wrap right? I always want to learn more and make it better. How do you do it blue?
Maybe I am not wrapping it correctly. I put one end of the spring in #6 hole and other end in #2. Turn the helix clockwise (winding the spring) until the buttons are on top of the next set of helix ramps. Does this sound remotely correct? According to this article,
I am doing it correctly.
I am doing it correctly.
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New member
bluemonster1 mean from 2003 you still haven't mastered the wrap the Helix Trick..WHAT!!!
No reason to rag on him. Atleast he's asking questions and wanting to learn.
FJViper said:No reason to rag on him. Atleast he's asking questions and wanting to learn.
Trust me... That is friendly banter. They are good pals.

Super Moderator
SRX_700 said:Maybe I am not wrapping it correctly. I put one end of the spring in #6 hole and other end in #2. Turn the helix clockwise (winding the spring) until the buttons are on top of the next set of helix ramps. Does this sound remotely correct? According to this article,
I am doing it correctly.
I like that one. All the times ive read through the tech section i never saw that. Must have skimmed right by it. Yup i seem to bb doing it right also but just seems to easy. I like the idea of leaving it on the sled also, better then my vice!

not ragging on him..just playing around in he does to love each other.....FJViper said:No reason to rag on him. Atleast he's asking questions and wanting to learn.

super1c..easy as it seems..I remember trying to wrap my secondary with a vmax4 -8 spring as was told to try.Now if you want to swear and loose it..try to do a wrap with this Spring///lol..After like 20 tries..I finally
got it..but the Spring proved nothing....what a waste of time....
sounds like you got it right by the sounds of it..same way I do mine...

sounds like you got it right by the sounds of it..same way I do mine...
New member
may be try wrapping it tighter by feel not by the numbers and see what happens.
I put spring in 2 and 6 and wrap helix clockwise until the holes reach the threads and then tighten down. What am I missing here?

that is correct way..same as I I missing something as said:I put spring in 2 and 6 and wrap helix clockwise until the holes reach the threads and then tighten down. What am I missing here?
New member
My bad on that one. Btw, same way I've been wrapping secondary's. Seems like the only way you can do it. Green was easy on my Viper but I can imagine you'd have some bloody knuckles with a spring with any kind of serious tension.

wrapping to 90 gets tougher..but have you tried wrapping to 100.Did that last year with 1 helix,can't remember which one as I bought like 3 helix's to try and have sold them wrapping to 100 is insane man!!!, I think if someone would of walked into the garage at that would of been their last
I am trying to control my temper lately because of my high blood pressure to..not feeling as good as I would like to be trying to stay calm...
I am trying to control my temper lately because of my high blood pressure to..not feeling as good as I would like to be trying to stay calm...