What brand do you use?

Yamalube. Probably going to run Klotz next year IF we get any snow. I run it in all my other 2 strokes, love the smell of it.And where is Gary? He did have some health issues, hopefully he's alright.
Newbee said:
Klotz TC-W3 - clean powervalves and smells good, seems like low smoke. Downfall is it's pricy! Considering to going with Mystic next year since it's less expensive and it seems to have slightly better stats.
i wouldnt run the regular mystic, last year we had 3 top ends blow and a crank bearing failure when we switched to that stuff(seized zr600, 2 pistons on a zr440 and a crank failure on a indy440) the only sleds out of our group that didnt have problems in the 2,000 miles we put on were a '93 phazer and my srx. we now run yamalube or cat oil in all the sleds
Supertech tcw3 in the sxr. Coming up on the 20,000 mile mark and I have run it religiously since I bought it with 5400 miles. Its gone up from $8 a gallon to around $13 a gallon. Gettin' pricey

Yamalube in the srx.
$13.00 a gallon is a steal today.Here most sled oil is anywhere from $10 to $15 a liter.A gallon around $60 for amsoil..Shell sells a 5 liter jug for around $50.No cheap prices here except maybe walmart..but would you use their cheap oil,maybe in a older sled that you mix oil with gas..
bluemonster1 said:
$13.00 a gallon is a steal today.Here most sled oil is anywhere from $10 to $15 a liter.A gallon around $60 for amsoil..Shell sells a 5 liter jug for around $50.No cheap prices here except maybe walmart..but would you use their cheap oil,maybe in a older sled that you mix oil with gas..

Bluemonster. Supertech is walmart brand oil. I've run it for close to 15000 miles in my sxr with zero issue. I've been clubbed on hear saying it would become too viscous in cold temps blah blah blah until Gary comes on here and tells you the 13$ a gallon walmart stuff comes from the same tank. I run it in everything- piped banshee, chainsaw, weedwhacker, blaster, phazer, 600xt, sxr. Never had an issue. 20,000 miles on a piped redhead spinning 9000 rpms I'd say walmart oil is good enough for me.
i get xps 2 full synthetic for 35 a gallon with my discount. and yamaha lube is 22 a gallon with my discount. so not much more for better oil.
When I ran out of AMSOIL Interceptor while riding in quebec (couldn't find any) ending up running a gallon of this stuff. I think it was like $32 for a 4L jug. Hypertech SSS. http://www.hipertech.com/spip/spip.php?lang=en&page=motonsss
For the short time I used it, I had no complaints. Had a nice smell, very little smoke just like the interceptor. No issues with fouling plugs and it didn't grenade so it must of been ok. It was a hell of a lot cheaper then BRP's full synthetic and the local guy recommended it over the BRP (probably because they are based out of Quebec)
When I ran out of AMSOIL Interceptor while riding in quebec (couldn't find any) ending up running a gallon of this stuff. I think it was like $32 for a 4L jug. Hypertech SSS. http://www.hipertech.com/spip/spip.php?lang=en&page=motonsss
For the short time I used it, I had no complaints. Had a nice smell, very little smoke just like the interceptor. No issues with fouling plugs and it didn't grenade so it must of been ok. It was a hell of a lot cheaper then BRP's full synthetic and the local guy recommended it over the BRP (probably because they are based out of Quebec)

available in 1000l's!!!
This post got me thinking where the Wally world supertech comes from. Turns out it's pennzoil/ Quaker state from what Ive read online
Maxima super-m stuff keeps power valves perfectly clean. only wish it wasn't 65 bucks a gallon.
I use Amsoil Interceptor. I hate that Klotz sh*t!!! Anybody ever follow someone running it? My dad and I had to pull off the trail one day because it was burning our eyes. There was four skidoos in front of us running it. I was happy we pulled over. I saw later were those guys were missing corners and one hit a tree. Lol
