I wander how that would change things,still have to put pressure on the lever to open the carbs (tension).

Super Moderator
bluemonster1 said:it would be nice to stretch the SRX.But if I had to,I would stretch my 600 first as it is more my abuse sled..lol..jumping.busting drifts..etc..I already flipped my shock brackets on the SRX for an added 1 ".The reason I am long travelling it is the back has taken so many hits from hitting small bumps and I said enough.I happen to have extra long travel rear shocks from an extra skid I bought years back,so why not put them to use.The shocks were rebuilt on them at the time also,so they are good to go and I do have the longer transfer rods also.Just going cheap way for now.In order for me to even think stretching my skid now would be if there was a local skid for sale with track really cheap,otherwise I wouldn't touch it then.Got to watch my funds this year,so not much more money going into either sleds for years to come.Just gonna ride and enjoy more until I can't do it any more.Another problem that has come back to haunt me this year is my wrist goes numb ,my throttle hand of course and I have to stop almost every 15 minutes to shake my hand and get the blood flowing again.Carpal tunnel was always there for years,last few years was fine and now it is acting up plus probably arthritis also..I really find that my thumb on the lever really goes and it is painful,wish the lever was easier to push....![]()
Ahh that makes sence. When you said long travel i was thinking 136 not increased travel. Very good idea. Im with you the older we get the more cush i need. I found my sitting position pretty rough this year. My knee's were killing me most rides, maybe a boss seat will help. And like bob sugested they do make the atv style levers. I think it was crewchief who was working on them for his store. They were even supposed to come up with a plug and play one for the srx/viper sleds. Took some pic's of the connector ends for him but never heard if they made them.

well I think it would still be cool to stretch the skid on my 600 and even make it into a 700 with 700 cylinders and pistons..but I can only dream can't I..
I have everything you need to make that 600 tripple a 700, you dont have to dream
New member
in the lastest issue of AmSnow, AC said they sold more 4 strokes than yamaha did.

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Thumper1 said:in the lastest issue of AmSnow, AC said they sold more 4 strokes than yamaha did.
Ouch, i just got my issue today. Ill have to look for that. Seeing 4-strokes are all that yamaha sells that would mean AC's few 4 strokes out sold the entire yamaha line? Its not that i dont believe ya it just doesnt seem right? Off to read i go!!!

something is fishy in Japan..lol.Maybe AC sold more 4 strokers because there sleds are also lighter...h'mmm..hint hint

I am sre you do..what would be a ballpark figure on the parts? What about the CDI..would it stay the same on mine,probably need different carbs or just jetting??So many questions.I would love to build a sleeper 600(700 really) with triple pipes and pull up to an F7 for a race...BETHEVIPER said:I have everything you need to make that 600 tripple a 700, you dont have to dream

Super Moderator
Well sure enough it seems that arcticat says they sold the most four strokes. I guess you can read into it what you want but its in green and white print in the magazine. Exact quote "cat factoid: Arctic cat told the media in january that it sold the most 4-stroke snowmobiles in the industry in the 2012 season. They are now the number one 4-stroke sled maker in terms of sheer quantity in the u.s." They do say in another artical that yamaha still makes the best engine on the market, but i guess they just are not selling as many?
New member
i would think Yamaha would call them on it if AC was wrong with their statement?!

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Most of us on this board that ride a lot, and ride with riders of the other brands, could have and did predict that Yamaha had to step it up...see my post #9....sales plunge was very predictable. Quality is not the issue the Target product is.
New member
Yes Bob ur quite right. All the diehards can preach reliability all day long. Yes Yammi does have that. But if Yamaha has so many features and intangibles going for them, why are they LAST is sales? I guess its a good thing that there are "only" 4 major manufacturers or they might be 5th. BNG's can only take a machine so far.
All the other manufactures have wisely kept 2-strokes in there lineup. One can only guess as to how many loyal customers have defected to other brands because Yamaha in there infinite wisdom believes that 4-strokes are the only powerplant capable of meeting customers needs and government reqirements.
All the other manufactures have wisely kept 2-strokes in there lineup. One can only guess as to how many loyal customers have defected to other brands because Yamaha in there infinite wisdom believes that 4-strokes are the only powerplant capable of meeting customers needs and government reqirements.
New member
Blue -- try flipping your throttle over. I run mine in the front, pull it with my finger, not my thumb. Been like that for 4 years now. I love it this way and feel I have better control by being able to hold on with my thumb wrapped on the grip.
Everybody else -- I have been on here loyally for quite some time, always loved my srx, BUT, I jumped ship this season an bought a 2012 Pro R 800 switchback. I can tell you why Yamaha sales suck. They are selling a sled that is 100 plus pounds heavier, costs 3 to 5 thousand more dollars, and is marketed to a middle aged, strictly trail rider. They try to sell on longevity, but fail to realize most people that buy new sleds, buy a new one every few years. It don't need to last forever. I would invite you guys to ride my pro r for 75 miles, on and off trail, and come back to say you want your yammi. After riding this for 800 miles this season, I don't even want to sit on my srx. Arctic cat out sold Yamaha 4 strokes because of all the new chassis hype, but they probably recalled more sleds than Yamaha sold too...
Everybody else -- I have been on here loyally for quite some time, always loved my srx, BUT, I jumped ship this season an bought a 2012 Pro R 800 switchback. I can tell you why Yamaha sales suck. They are selling a sled that is 100 plus pounds heavier, costs 3 to 5 thousand more dollars, and is marketed to a middle aged, strictly trail rider. They try to sell on longevity, but fail to realize most people that buy new sleds, buy a new one every few years. It don't need to last forever. I would invite you guys to ride my pro r for 75 miles, on and off trail, and come back to say you want your yammi. After riding this for 800 miles this season, I don't even want to sit on my srx. Arctic cat out sold Yamaha 4 strokes because of all the new chassis hype, but they probably recalled more sleds than Yamaha sold too...
With the low snow we have had its just a lot to go out and have a new sled. If u keep it for years it's ok but to switch every few years is pricey. I enjoy my old sleds still fun to drive and gets me home. I will have a new sled when the conditions improve. If u make your old sled more comfortable u can enjoy them much more. Plus the smile on my face is priceless when I stab the throttle on my mr viper 700. Thanks don for all u did for me.

hey I'll take a look at it and see if it is a hassel to flip the lever to the front..thanks.By the way if I had to switch to a different brand,I would say Polaris it would be...ottawaair said:Blue -- try flipping your throttle over. I run mine in the front, pull it with my finger, not my thumb. Been like that for 4 years now. I love it this way and feel I have better control by being able to hold on with my thumb wrapped on the grip.
Everybody else -- I have been on here loyally for quite some time, always loved my srx, BUT, I jumped ship this season an bought a 2012 Pro R 800 switchback. I can tell you why Yamaha sales suck. They are selling a sled that is 100 plus pounds heavier, costs 3 to 5 thousand more dollars, and is marketed to a middle aged, strictly trail rider. They try to sell on longevity, but fail to realize most people that buy new sleds, buy a new one every few years. It don't need to last forever. I would invite you guys to ride my pro r for 75 miles, on and off trail, and come back to say you want your yammi. After riding this for 800 miles this season, I don't even want to sit on my srx. Arctic cat out sold Yamaha 4 strokes because of all the new chassis hype, but they probably recalled more sleds than Yamaha sold too...
Active member
bluemonster1 said:hey I'll take a look at it and see if it is a hassel to flip the lever to the front..thanks.By the way if I had to switch to a different brand,I would say Polaris it would be...
That flips your kill switch to remember. Id like a twist throttle more

yeah somehow can't figure running it flipped to the front.Say you hit a bad bump,come down and go back up and you want to hang on to the bars..well you will squeeze the throttle in as your body flies back and hanging on..only to give it more gas....