what kind of coolant do you use?


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Fergus, Ontario
im just wondering what kind of coolant you guys use. i have a yzf250 and use engine ice in the rad, would i be able to use this in the srx? i also picked up yamalube for the chain case tonight, it was only 5 bucks. i wanted to run amsoil in it but didnt feel like driving out of my way. so i got the yamalube 75w.
I use the Honda HP coolant. From what I have read on here just about anything will work.
if you can afford it, i HIGHLY recommend engine ice.... I had overheating issues on my atv with cdi and aftermarket exhaust, engine ice installed, she runs over 30 degrees cooler.... and this a brute force 750 vtwin.... I ran it in my srx for first time last year, and notice a big difference on those "slushy" days.... its expensive but seems to do the trick..just my $0.02
chilli said:
if you can afford it, i HIGHLY recommend engine ice.... I had overheating issues on my atv with cdi and aftermarket exhaust, engine ice installed, she runs over 30 degrees cooler.... and this a brute force 750 vtwin.... I ran it in my srx for first time last year, and notice a big difference on those "slushy" days.... its expensive but seems to do the trick..just my $0.02

ya my bike was overheating, so i put in engine ice and havent had a problem since. yes it is expensive but well worth it. thanks chilli
Check the low temp rating on engine ice if i remember right it doesnt go very low but.i could b wrong?
YZViper366 said:
Check the low temp rating on engine ice if i remember right it doesnt go very low but.i could b wrong?

it goes down to -26 F which might not be enough. boil over point is like 256 F.
I guess i just use regular green coolant with a product that is supposed to premote coolling like water wetter from redline. Should do the job.
A few things I keep in mind with regard to engine coolant;
1. The brand is not as important as making sure the coolant is made to be compatible with aluminum cooling systems. Most are compatible with aluminum but always check before use.
2. I always use a dose of Redline water wetter as recommended on the redline bottle although there are some people who tell me the commercial coolants alraeady have a wetting agent in them. I see no harm in adding the recommended amount to the coolant mixture.
3. If you mix you own coolant, that is do not use a premixed formula, DEFINITELY use demineralized, or distilled water. Most tap water sources have dissolved minerals which end up forming scale on the hot parts of the engine. The scale acts as an insulator preventing heat transfer and in extreme cases restricts coolant flow and causes corrosion.
4. Use the lowest ratio of coolant to water ratio which will give you freeze up protection. 100% water will give you the best heat transfer and 100% coolant will give you the worst heat transfer.
5. When I change the engne coolant (every other year), I drain the original coolant, refill the system with distilled water, run the engine until warm, then dump the water. I believe this helps flush the system. Engine coolant is the most neglected engine fluid. It looses it corrosion resistant properties over time and use so change it at least every 3rd season.
6. REMEMBER: Most engine coolants (ethylene glycol) is highly poisonous to pets and children. It has a sweet smell which attracts pets to it. Don't leave any pans of it open. It is deadly to kids and pets!!!
7. Make sure you purge the air out of the system a few times before riding the sled. The process depends greatly on the model of the sled.

I run GM's new coolant (dex cool) @ 50/50, it has a much better cooling than standard green coolant. Thats how they can get away running those punny little radiators in cars nowadays.
vipertriplexxx said:
I run GM's new coolant (dex cool) @ 50/50, it has a much better cooling than standard green coolant. Thats how they can get away running those punny little radiators in cars nowadays.

I wouldn't use that stuff, its corrosive as all hell. Thats why G.M. has so many intake and head gasket failures. Im a ford tech, drive g.m's and dex-cool is the 1st to go. Always convert to green or use the motorcraft premium gold. Now thats good stuff! ;)!
I wouldn't use that stuff, its corrosive as all hell.

Yea thats bogus info check these links.



Admin's of thedieselpage response

"There are 35 million to 40 million GM vehicles on the road that use Dex-Cool, and the overwhelming majority have experienced no problems with the cooling system." As stated earlier, we have also identified a problem with a coolant/air interface, and the potential for corrosion as a result. We also know that cooling system performance (when properly filled with a 50% Dex-Cool/distilled water solution) will surpass those using a green silicated ethylene glycol coolant.
If you want to cut/paste some links from another forum to help yourself feel better I understand. I work on these vehicles 8-10 hrs a day for the last 17 yrs and I know what I see, and its not good. Its just an opinion, but I would never use that in a Japanese engine like Yahama, period.
