Srx dies

Racing666 said:
Pull the handlebar pad and unplug the kill switch connector. I had an issue with my SX600 that sounded like what you are experiencing. The safety switch inside the throttle lever/kill switch assembly had broken and was shorting out the ignition. Just a thought.
Ive unplugged everything that I can from the relays to the hand warmers, hi beam low beam switches normally nothing out of the ordinary....... was 11 trouble free years too much to ask for LOL
Time to start testing electrical components for resistance/continuity. Stator, pickups, coils, caps. Everything.
Just a wild guess but doesn't the powervalves change position at idle? I wonder if this is part of it. I seem to remember setting them and at a certain point near idle the servo moves signifcantly.
1.) so when was the last time you cleaned the carbs?

2.) have you ever pulled the harness out from under the engine before to check it and place it in plastic convolute tubing to protect it?

Its only a matter of time before ALL of the proaction sleds have this issue, until they are repaired and placed in the tubing they will rub thru. The 02 srx has a little protector on the harness but it still can rub thru in front of the engine, been there and repaired that already. if you have never done it, its time to remove that from the equation, as its likely has rub marks or rubbed thru a couple wires and this starts, the ign. wire will arc to the frame and steal the power from the engine.

with as many miles as you have on it, its a good place to start looking!
Just an update I finally got around to probing at some electronics.

Everything is still in spec, coils, caps, stator old and new, pickup....
That eases my mind a tad, now to pull every wire out of this thing and look at it....
Not sure why you replaced the stator, but did you have the same symptoms before doing the swap?
I'm no electrical genius, but after 35 years of tinkering with toys, that sounds electrical to me.
Rub throughs I've had in the past always started out being intermittent and could be altered by wiggling and moving the harness around. I'm new to an SRX so my thoughts might be way off. Seems like if continuity is dropping off at low rpms, I'd be looking at the source of electricity. Stator. I know youve checked it out, but your loosing juice as it spins down.
I've had caps act up at idle and yet perform under load.
The tors system is a mystery to me, but you may want to try getting it back to factory specs and see what that does for you.
Just throwing ideas out there. Good luck and try not to scream and light er on fire. :o|
I frankensteined both stators I had to give me a good one. I took the pickup coil from my original stator, and the generator from the used one I bought and put them together. Sled idles like a champ, got her nice and warm went around the yard seems to be fine. I couldnt get it to act up on the stand, when I could previously so im going with Stator.

Hand warmers are getting nice and hot now too.....
