Monroe Cty WI, TY Ride - Feb. 2nd


New member
Dec 23, 2008
For all you 2 strokers:

I am putting together a Totallyamaha Ride in Monroe County WI, for Feb. 2nd. We will have a 150-200 mile ride throughout the county. This is only if the snow conditions are better than last year (shouldn't be too difficult). More details for the starting location and route to be determined ater.
If you plan on coming please let me know. I will be setting up a lunch at some point throughout the ride for everyone so estimated head count would be great.

Hotel Information:
I was able to get some rooms at a discounted price set up through the Best Western In town.
Please call and set up a reservation by Jan. 15th.
The room rate will be $89.00 plus tax per night for Friday Feb. 1st and Saturday Feb. 2nd.
You need to tell them you are with the Totallyamaha Ride group. They have my contact information (Kyle Ostrem) if you have problems.
They will also let us cancel the rooms 3 days in advance (by Jan. 29th) if there isn't enough snow for the ride.
The hotels Contact information is:
Best Western Plus - Sparta Trail Lodge
4445 Theater Rd
Sparta WI, 54656
Phone# 608-269-2664

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks all!
