carb switch TORS lead

ok, so found the other 1. they were both plugged into eachother and not connected. why would that be? post pics in 5min....
staggs65 said:
someone already had it bypassed. probably had the cable too tight and didnt know how to fix it.

ok, heres a photo anyways. why would they have it by-passed? sorry, cable being tight . didn't read thoroughly.
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when the tors activates it limits rpms of the engine below clutch engagement. Its a safety feature in case your throttle sticks open. the most common cause of an unwanted tors activation is not having the appropriate freeplay in the throttle cable. next is a dirty or faulty tors switch. a lot of people dont take the time to figure out what it is and bypass it. not really a great idea. it has an important purpose
yes start there and see if you have a tors problem. if you have the tors activating with proper throttle slack then you have either a dirty or bad switch. first try it connected with proper freeplay and go from there.
"THAT IS NOT GOOD"!!!! Ya that would suck. thanks stags, i'll have to try it when everything is back together. just starting to take the carbs out.
when you put it back together stick a finger in the carbs and put the throttle to the handlebar. you will see that you can have a lot of slack and still obtain full throttle. also, the cable slack cant be set until you set your idle. if you raise or lower your idle it changes the slack in the cable
staggs65 said:
I just stick drill bits in the lines to block them off. others use golf tees or anything else that will fit

wont it come spilling out every where before I get a chance to do that? is it bad to lose coolant from the lines? not too worried bout a lil fuel
just have it in hand and ready for a quick swap. you wont lose much. you can lightly pinch off the hose with pliers or vice grips before you pull it off if you're worried about it. emphasis on lightly. the pto side coolant line just close the valve on the coolant rail but you have to block off the mag side hose first or it will just flow through the carbs from there.
staggs65 said:
just have it in hand and ready for a quick swap. you wont lose much. you can lightly pinch off the hose with pliers or vice grips before you pull it off if you're worried about it. emphasis on lightly. the pto side coolant line just close the valve on the coolant rail but you have to block off the mag side hose first or it will just flow through the carbs from there.

I closed the valve, now the "mag side" exhaust side or belt side? close this off then take off the other side?
mag= magneto or stator, so yes exhaust side. yes, plug off and remove this side first. there is no valve on this side so if you pull the hose of the clutch side first coolant will flow out the carbs until the exhaust side is blocked.
