New member
Been riding today in -25 Celsius weather today and my 2000 SRX 700 has developed and exhaust pop. What could be causing this? The machine bogged quite a bit until it warmed up then it developed an exhaust pop. Sled seems to run fine just worried about the popping sound.
New member
Check the main exhaust donuts, the donut shaped seals between the 3 expansion chambers and the exahust flanges, right in front of the engine. The only time I have had a pop or backfire from the exhaust is when the expasion chamber to exahust flange seal was not air tight due to very weak/broken exhaust springs and/or a worn out "donut" seal. Thees donut seals last a long time as long as the springs hof the exhaust system good and tight. If the springs are weak, the exhaust system can move around and tear up the exhaust seal (donut).
New member
I sure hope that is what it is and that it is nothing more serious.
New member
I had a "pop" / spitting sound from my exhaust. Hope your luck is better than mine.
Check the 01 SRX cylinder thread (to see my problem)
Check the 01 SRX cylinder thread (to see my problem)
New member
OK well the temps have warmed a bit. Today I cleaned the carbs and I topped up the fuel tank with Premium - still had more than half a tank of regular in there. The motor runs really well. I did increase the idle to spec of 1800 and I changed the plugs with brand new ones. I took the sled out for a 1/2 hour rip tonight and it runs really strong just at idle it still has an exhaust pop not a backfire but a pop. It has an aftermarket can on it and I am wondering if it may be going bad. I have the original muffler that came with it. How hard is it to take the can off and put the muffler back on? Those springs are pretty strong any tricks to removing and reinstalling them? Am I barking up the wrong tree here thinking it may be the can?
"still had more than half a tank of regular in there. "
Are you joking? Are you trying to blow up your motor?
Are you joking? Are you trying to blow up your motor?
New member
The guy I bought it from told me he ran regular and I have ran regular fuel up to this point with no problems at all. I have owned the sled for two years and it has 10200kms on it. I am making the switch to premium and I will add some Octane Booster to the tank tomorrow.
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maybe I should start to use regular as well...maybe a myth about premium..but I have DCS to tell me otherwise.I wouldn't do to many wide open pulls on regular gas.What is the jetting at by the way and how do your plugs may have been one of the luckier ones.But it would of been a ticking timebomb and eventually grenade..good you switched to premium... 

I'm thinking at 10k, any sled could be a ticking time bomb. lol
Let alone one that ran poor gas. That would seem to point to poor maintenance overall.
Tough sled.
I could tell you stories about a 98 xlt600 that you simply wouldnt believe.
Let alone one that ran poor gas. That would seem to point to poor maintenance overall.
Tough sled.

I could tell you stories about a 98 xlt600 that you simply wouldnt believe.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
A few years ago it was ALOT easier to get away with running regular due to the the quality of the fuel a few years ago versus today. Realisticly 20-25 cents a gallon is nothing for the better performance and engine longevity! I started buying premium for pre-mixing the fuel for my stihl chainsaws.
New member
Is that all you guys do is bash? I do maintain my sled - my plugs looked fine in fact I just put brand new ones in to see if it would help with my original question. I just ride my sled for fun with my kids I don't do wide open pulls - never have. I am a flatlander that rides around in the snow filled stubble fields and tries to make my kids happy. I don't do any mods to my sleds. I am just looking for some answers to my questions. I will admit that running regular has been a mistake and have pledged to switch to premium. This is my second sled - I have a 2012 Arctic Cat XF800 Sno Pro Limited which is 20X the sled that the SRX will ever be so just help me try and figure out what may be wrong with this SRX700 and quit bashing people.

I really dont think anyone was intending to bash you. Running regular in a srx is a legitimate concern. They were designed to run on 91 minimum.
New member
I understand that it is a concern and I have corrected the mistake, I just am looking for answers to my problem. I don't need to be told over and over and over that running 87 is going to blow up my sled. I just read the manual online and it says If the recommended fuel is not used the engine may not produce as much performance as it should it does not say that your sled will blow up.

denotation!!Poor quality fuel and long wot pulls.I again have DCS to let me before pieces fly internally...

lets get off the fuel subject guys. the point has been made.
New member
When I fire up the sled I can see that there may be some air getting in to the exhaust past the #1 cylinder and that is where the popping is happening. When I hear the soft exhaust pop I see a small puff of smoke come from where the exhaust connects to the engine.
Iceman31 said:When I fire up the sled I can see that there may be some air getting in to the exhaust past the #1 cylinder and that is where the popping is happening. When I hear the soft exhaust pop I see a small puff of smoke come from where the exhaust connects to the engine.
take off the springs and pull the pipe away from engine a little bit, wipe off any gas/oil residue with clean rag. Use permatex ultra copper, just smear a thin little layer on it, put springs back on and let it dry for a couple hours, will seal the donut right up for you.
trick is to let it dry good before starting up the sled.

I guess you need some new donut gaskets then and make sure your springs are not to stretched already.Eventually when a donut will hear it.had that happen once during a ride..sounds like a cracked manifold..and loud.The donut gets so worn that it just is loose and not sealing anything and there is major blow by happening then.Get yours replaced as soon as possible.I always carry a set of 3 new ones just in case.
New member
Ordered some new gaskets and when I can get to a store that is open that sells the Permatex Copper I will try that until the new ones arrive.
New member
Tried the permatex copper and it seems quieter but still have the exhaust popping just not as pronounced. I only did the #1 pipe not the other two. Will do those also on another day or will just change all three donuts when they arrive. Taking those springs off is not an easy task nor is putting them back on. Could only move the pipe about 1/2" away from the motor at most. Any trick to moving them more? Do I have to undo all of the springs holding the exhaust in place?