02 viper power valves issue


New member
Feb 14, 2012
quebec, canada
problem start when I was having a power valve flash code ( i dont remember wich one)
dissassembly valves and cables, the three cable was full of carbon..
after replace de seals and cleaned the cables, reajust powervalve and go for a road test, ok for couple of ride...
now the problem is that when I push the engine in full throttle I hear valves open and close intermitly sound a bit like cut-off(it is easy for me to hear because I have a can on the sled)
I remove the power valve motor cover and see that one wire was unhook, rehook the cables ajust valve again after a half an hour start again to hear the power valves freegames...

what do you think it could be, motor broken ??
I would suspect something other than "motor broken" Unless your talking about the servo motor. Dont know about in your neck of the woods but easy enough to come by a replacement down here and swap and see. Seems wheel/cables would have to be damaged or servo seriously spazzing out to buck the cables off.
As far as I know dirty/out of adjustement wont throw the trouble code. That 7 flashes is more of a "hey....I sent power to servo and it didnt come back" I would suspect you have a shorting issue in the servo or harness that coinsadently solved itself when you cleaned and adjusted. I know its hard to watch the dash while your riding but did it ever flash before the cable comes off?
no after haved cleaned wires a reajust error code never appears anymore...
when I am lower the idle less than 900 rpm to open the valve for adjusting the servo motor seems eratic ... but it not really easy to watch
the best is, I will jack the rear of the sled and push it a bit with caps remove on the motor to see what appends there
my friend have a viper s if I doubt the servo I will swap it with mine and retry
I will came back with further result thanks
today I have check the adjustment of the valve and when i remove the motor cover I see that my previous mark was not allign like before
It is like if the motor is shift, same stroke but shift about 3/8 inch
