Viper powervalve adjustment

adjusted cables , followed the procedure and now when it idles it's doing little backfires and the engine sounds boggy and gutless (even put NEW spark plugs).. My lights turned on and off and not long before that when i gunned it and held it for a while on a strech.. took forever to reach 130km/h the warning light flashed 7-8 times... need help :(
are the exh. valves in updside down? the bevel should face down on the valve.
She now runs great. Took it to a local Yam dealer.

Only thing is i noticed sometimes when it idles.. the sound changes and it sounds kind of throaty/gurgling then stops.. it's nice and peppy though.. Any ideas?
lsbufis said:
She now runs great. Took it to a local Yam dealer.

Only thing is i noticed sometimes when it idles.. the sound changes and it sounds kind of throaty/gurgling then stops.. it's nice and peppy though.. Any ideas?

Just out of curiousity what did the do to correct issues?
clean + readjust powervalves and tighten my rear suspension (previous dealer said they tightened to the max which was BS because it was set to softest) goes to show that some shops are POS crooks that ya can't trust!
Well tonight i went riding with a buddy for a few hours.. And i was riding and my lights went on/off a few times.. Then went back to normal.. Im thinking a rub thru somewhere :s
