Bad Bad News 2000SRX 700


New member
Feb 13, 2011
SK, Canada
My 2000 SRX700 is in at the dealer right now and I got the bad news today. Two Pistons, Cylinders and Heads, also needs new powervalves and cables. Need a new belt and 7 hours of labour to do everything. Total bill is going to be around $3500.00 - They said they might be able to bring that down using aftermarket parts rather than OEM. I feel sick to my stomach, this all caused by the fact that the person who owned it before me did not put something back together properly - fuel lines were pinched which caused all the damage is what the mechanic told me. The question is now that it is all torn down, is it worth fixing this sled for that kind of money? I am in the market for another sled for my wife and my budget for that was around $3000.00 - Do I junk this sled and then go looking for two sleds and have a budget of $6500 or do I bite the bullet and fix it and then carry one and find the wife a sled. This SRX700 is the one my son rides most of the time. By the time this all said and done the motor will basically be pretty much brand new. We really like the SRX700 so my family is telling me to just fix it. What would you do?
Bring it home, buy another srx, and keep this one around for parts or sell it as is. heck, personally, I would just put a used motor in it if i was you. They can be had for much less than $3500 and can be swapped out in no time. no matter how you look at it. $3500 is way to much for that repair and I would be on the way to pick my sled up if I was you.
No way would I put $3500 into a sled that is worth half that to try and sell/go buy. I know each market varies, but $2000 here in MN would buy an awfully nice srx most days (especially after this rain gets done with our little bit of snow:( )
Up here (SK, Canada) another SRX700 of the same year would cost me $3500.00 and there would be no guarantee that the motor would not blow a month after I buy it. $3500 would give me my sled back with pretty much all new parts - I love the SRX but am torn as to what to do. I am going to ask the dealer if they could find me a used engine somewhere, that might save me a few bucks but I might not be any further ahead.
That being the case I'd look for some good used heads/cylinders/pistons and go from there. Actually if it was my project I'd try and find a good used 780 kit for it. Youd have all the hard parts in on package and just need to get the cables you said you need. Course I'd do my own labor and save that $$ too, but not everyone is up for that fun:)
In my opinion that dealer price is rediculous. I have seen good used motors on here aksing $1000. You said your son rides it the most...make it a father/son project and save yourself a few grand. When I bought my first srx 700 (a 2000 as well) I came to the conclusion I had 2 options. Learn how to do it myself or pay some one else to do it and hope they do it right. Being as I already had a mechical background ( I have built 7 mudtrucks from the ground up and countless demo derby cars) Even if you have to set it in the corner until summer (sleds/parts cheaper) Might even find some one on here in your neck of the woods willing to tackle it for alot cheaper.
You are most definitely not getting a motor that is like new after spending $3500.00. Are they replacing the reeds, the carb boots, the stator, the crankshaft bearings, the oil pump, etc... The answer to all these questions is probably that they have no plans to change these items. You are paying $3500.00 to do the topend on the motor. That is probably a fair price for a dealership to charge considering their overhead, but realize many members could do the work necessary to get the motor in top shape for less then $1000.00 in parts and a couple days of their time. If working on sleds is not your thing, buy a newer four stroke yami. The srx's are great 2-stroke sleds that are well built but they do require that the owner be able to work on the machine otherwise the cost can get very expensive very fast. Where in Saskatchewan are you located?
If you have a garage you have enough room. Just kick the car outside. I rebuilt my engine in my kitchen...but then again I'm not married and my gf was away!
My first engine rebuild was on a makeshift bench in a basement coldroom while the sled sat in a tent. ;)!
Not quite a heated shop, but it kept the weather off me. You'd be surprised what a space heater can do.
See what shipping a sled from Ontario is. No snow here in central and sleds are getting cheap. Low k SRX's can be had for under 2000 easily.
As I look out at the rain drowning my lawn, I'm thinking mine might be one of them. lol
"Two Pistons, Cylinders and Heads, also needs new powervalves and cables. Need a new belt "

You can get all this for under $700 bucks. I bought a complete set of working triple carbs from ebay for $20 bucks. I bought a brand new complete primary for $160 bucks. Try gettting that from the dealer.
Your dealer is on crack. Say he has $1,000 in parts, which is way high.
It should be done in no more than 6 hours.
So he makes 2500 in 6 hrs. Thats $416.00 dollars an hour.
Bring it here, i'll do it for 300 an hour.
I really can't believe this is even a question.
I will sell you my srx, which is like new, been gone thru from front to back, for $3,000
stay away from dealers period. Find a good local shop if you cant do it yourself and source the parts yourself and pay for the labor. Thats what I would do.
Knowing the canadian price for a srx in better shape than yours I say fix it. Just not at the dealer.

Was in similar situation at the end of last year. Shop for the best price around for parts. I got my cylinders ported then nicasil for similar price then new. Order new pistons from the states. PV and cables you can find used.

Then find someone who wants to fix it. Either a sled mechanic that works in his garage or a small shop. Make sure they worked on Yamaha's. If not you'll need to adjust the pv's yourself. (no biggy). Lots of mechanics will post in kijiji looking for work.

You'll have your top end rebuild for lots cheaper at the end of the day.
don't do it thru the dealership for sure.Their prices are out of this world.They are double and nearly tripple the price on parts ,I picked up all my stuff from the US at a fraction of the price.Never opened a motor up in my life..but read alot,got info from guys on this site every step of the way.I rebuilt to motors myself and going into 3rd season and both motors are still running strong.Sure the dealer will get it done quicker,but wouldn't it be nice to learn how to do this on your own.It is very gratifying at the end knowing you could do it also.Take your time,get the manual for your sled and go 1 step at a time and ask questions on here when you get stuck.I am a woodworker..if I can do can do it.Of course I love to collect tools,and have all the right tools also.Hook up a cheap winch off your garage ceiling to help aid in lifting motor out and placing back in..
Idk how close you are to Michigan but my dad is selling his 99 srx for 2200 only has 1400 original miles if your interested only reason sellin is me and him have 02 srx we bought it for my mom but she don't like to ride it so got her a viper
I will never rebuild another motor if it blew a piston etc. You can replace the entire motor and sell the recently burned down one and be ahead almost every time.
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