New member
i have my mountain viper throttle and oil cables to go along with my powermadd pivot and 4" riser. just wondering how and if i should go through my stock airbox. any piks would be appreciated. thanks.

Super Moderator
With the mountain viper and throttle cabes you should not have to go through air box. Just route them as normal. Your break should be ok but you might have to move the banjo fittings a bit to make it work. Check for slack on full turns. I just put on a powermadd pivot and 6" riser with mtn cables and no problems. The stock break was pretty tight so i went to the mtn break line and perfect. Here are some pic's http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=86904&page=12&pp=10
Backwoods M Max
New member
gordon7048 said:i have my mountain viper throttle and oil cables to go along with my powermadd pivot and 4" riser. just wondering how and if i should go through my stock airbox. any piks would be appreciated. thanks.
Look for my post in the mountain sled forum about new bars. There are pics of my cables running through the slot in the airbox top. You may have to trim off the chafe guard over the jacket to get them both to drop into the slot together.

Super Moderator
Backwoods M Max said:Look for my post in the mountain sled forum about new bars. There are pics of my cables running through the slot in the airbox top. You may have to trim off the chafe guard over the jacket to get them both to drop into the slot together.
Its a mtn viper and it does not have the slot in the air box.