Gerryjackman said:K ill test that out clutch has squeaked once in a while engage great seems to pull fine until I take it to the mountains but there is 6ft plus of snow there so I know it's hard on it but I think it should have more jam I'm not sure what kind of shape the clutch is in carbs were cleaned prob 800k ago should be fine how often do power valves cause issues could cleaning them help?
Seems to pull fine till I take it to the mountains. - you aren't trying to run the same clutching/jetting in the flatlands and the mountains are you?
New member
Ya I am the jetting is fine I've been lots and only the last time I've had issues an i have a new altitude compensator on the way the one im using now seems iffy im hoping thats my issue I'm assuming clutching is half ok it is a mountain srx from stock I'm assuming they would have known guys will actually take them to the mountains so
Gotcha - you're running an atacc or something similar. Buddy of mine had one on his srx that he used at 8000+ and had all sorts of issues with it. Ended up taking it off and just jetting it. Ran like a top after that.
New member
Yeah I would probably do the same but I have no clue what I should run for jets and can't seem to find that info anywhere. Any help? I don't know if that's even my issue I really don't think the plugs were burning that black they were fairly bang on but after a while boom one will cut out and I can tell immediately. Do you know if I jet it for the mountains will it be running good around home it's not that much of a change
VIP Member
Gerryjackman said:Yeah I would probably do the same but I have no clue what I should run for jets and can't seem to find that info anywhere. Any help? I don't know if that's even my issue I really don't think the plugs were burning that black they were fairly bang on but after a while boom one will cut out and I can tell immediately. Do you know if I jet it for the mountains will it be running good around home it's not that much of a change
Here is the page... Chart/Specs.htm
New member
Yeah I looked into that it doesn't tell you what size to jet to on a comparison chart with elevation change that's the issue I'm having home base elevation for me is 850M and in mountains I go to fernie bc and its about 1100m up to 1700m so I'm lost as to what jets to put in this thing I have looked lots but nothing! Main jet 1&2 141.3 main jet 3 143.8 pilots 47.5 across the board if anyone can help would be awesome. Another thing to add is ever since I bought this thing I've had issues with plugs but only once have had it for 6 weeks rode it LOTS so I don't know what the issue could be Please help!! Thanks guys
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New member
Perfect thanks very much do you have any idea why I would have pilot jets of. 47.5 instead of 42.5 and when it say cyl 1 on that chart which side of the motor is it referring to pto or mag thank again
New member
Hey sorry do you know how much having v force 3 reeds and an mbrp can changes the jet numbers I really want to get this bang on the first time thanks
VIP Member
1 is pto side, 3 is mag side.The can should nor change the jetting as long as it has factory pipes. I wouldd jet to factory specs for the elevation your at.
New member
Stock jetting according to the chart above is for very low elevation around 200 300 m I don't think that will work for mountain riding of up to 1500m also the above chart does not correspond with stock specs when it says cyl 1 then cyl 2&3 the stock chart says 1&2 cyl 3 seperate I'm not sure what to go by here what cylinder has the one different jet ? Do you guys know of anyone who would really know what to do to tune this thing in?
New member
What about having reeds what do you jet to when u have v force 3 Reeds does it make tht big of a difference
VIP Member
Sorry that chart is for a 2000. I thought you could use it for comparison. If your sled is jetted for the home elevation your sled will run a lil richer in the mountains. Is that why your worried? Your only looking at a 9% loss in power at the 1700 meter or 3% at 1100 meter. I wouldn't worry too much. Its better to be rich than lean. Sorry I cant help you more, my resources are exhausted. The only option is to find a '98 service manual.
New member
Well that kinda sucks actually bought jets according to that today ha! no big deal. The only reason im looking into this is because I go through atleast one plug every few hard rides not necessarily fouled it seems to still slightly run off all 3 but when you throw 3 new plugs in its back to perfect for quite some time, then last time i went to the mountains it took a HUGE beating alot of snow for this girl but it pounded through until it bogged on me pretty good pulled the plugs and sure enough one plug not firing threw a "newer" used plug in and it was much better still not 100% though by any means but it got me through the rest of the weekend. But seems as though this would happen at home to IN TIME maybe not right away cause I cant ride that hard around home but something is definitly going on thats why I want to look into jetting because I have a new ataac compensator on the way and jetting is suppose to be perfect at base elevation for those things to work properly. I really need a comparison chart like the one above for my sled.