Loss Of RPM, Wet Plugs, Twitching Servo Motor

Hi srx 700 I am having some of the same problems with my 1998 srx 700 with the plug on the pto side running a little rich had the pv's cleaned and crabs cleaned twice now and checked by a professional with only a little bit of a difference. The other problem I am having is that the sled doesn't respond very well when you start from a standing point to full out go it seems sluggish tops out at 140 to 150 km,s but if you are doing say 80km's and punch it it seems to pull well and gets up in the kms higher like 180kph at times not always???? Is yours doing this as well or has anyone else had this happen...
Here are my symptons of having a dark, wet, carbon soaked fouled PTO plug.

- Takes about 1 - 2 pulls with throttle cracked 1/3 when warm
- Idles at 1,400 - 1,600 when started (waivers around), 1,800 after riding and coming to a stop
- 6 - 8 pulls when cold
- From idle, if I blip throttle full open, it sounds flat, may get to 4,000 RPM from a fasdt blip, buddies 800 will go right upto to 6,000 and engage clutch as well
- riding along if I pin it, it will go right upto to 8,200, shift out wil occur, and then loose power and RPM and settle right around 7,000 - 7,500 rpms. Let off throttle for a second and pin it, it will not go past 7,500 until I bring RPM down for a longer period of time.
- getting 10 - 12 mpg
- Cannot get RPM over 8,200 (30 F temps)
I am going up tomorrow to look for wire rub thru and carbs. Will also put on a new belt and see what happens. If it doesn't help, I will just ride it and worry about swapping parts in the summer.
