SRX700 Finally Repaired and Home!


New member
Feb 13, 2011
SK, Canada
Well my SRX700 is now home and repaired. I know some of you are going to tell me that I got hosed on this but we really like this sled and felt it was worth it. I don't have a heated shop to work in so I could not do this myself at this time. I am looking at building a heated shop this summer. We felt that it was worth the money to pay to have this done right. My local dealer did it. Here is what I got done.

S-8DN-11311-02 Reman Cylinder $460.00 x 2 = $920.00
703-1250 SPX Piston $99.95 x 2 = $199.90
711246 Gasket Set $89.95
8DN-11111-10-00 Cylinder Head $280.99 x 1
8DN-1131A-00-00 Valve $176.99 x 1
8DF-1133F-10-00 Cable, Pulley 2 $66.99 X 1
8DF-1133E-10-00 Cable, Pulley 1 $63.99 x 2 =$127.98
8DN-17641-01-00 V-Belt $99.99
8DN-11603-00-00 Piston Ring Set $47.99
106346 NGK BR9ECS Spark Plug $12.50 x 3 = $37.50

Total Parts $2048.28
Labour 7 Hours x $100 = $700.00
Shop Supplies $37.45

Bill $2785.73

Taxes $278.60

Total Bill $3064.33

Here is the explanation of what they did:

Remove Engine and Give estimate of Repairs - 2 Cylinders and Pistons Bad and Power Valve Cables Bad. Reseal Bottom End and clean all bearings from debris. Install New Pistons and Rings and Cylinders - Check Chain Tension. Remove Seal = Seized and Bleed Cooling System. Install Power Valves and Cables and Adjust Set Cable Play to Spec = New / Will Stretch = Retighten after break in period. Clean Carbs and Replace Fuel = Added Oil for first tank of fresh fuel. Install New Spark Plugs. Test Run = Works Good.


Use Premium Fuel Only
Add 100 ML of Oil for First Tank of Fuel and Monitor All Fluid Levels.

So I have been thinking about this on the way home and I have a couple of questions.

Should I add 100ml of oil to every fresh tank as some added insurance?

They told me that they would have to do the retighten of the power valve cables and that is something I could not do myself. Is that true?

Any other advice now that I have an almost new top end rebuild?
Well, at least you have ur machine back and it is ready for action. Man that is ALOT of coin to repair that old of a sled. Could have bought another sled in great condition and kept ur old one for parts or parted it out. You had some options.

Anyway, ur top priorities should be to give it some breakin time, and feed it good gas. Make sure if those carbs aren't clean that you get them clean (and check the jetting specs while ur in there) and keep em that way. If you plan to run it hard, octane booster wouldn't be a bad idea. ;)!
Iceman31 said:
Well my SRX700 is now home and repaired. I know some of you are going to tell me that I got hosed on this but we really like this sled and felt it was worth it. I don't have a heated shop to work in so I could not do this myself at this time. I am looking at building a heated shop this summer. We felt that it was worth the money to pay to have this done right. My local dealer did it. Here is what I got done.

S-8DN-11311-02 Reman Cylinder $460.00 x 2 = $920.00
703-1250 SPX Piston $99.95 x 2 = $199.90
711246 Gasket Set $89.95
8DN-11111-10-00 Cylinder Head $280.99 x 1
8DN-1131A-00-00 Valve $176.99 x 1
8DF-1133F-10-00 Cable, Pulley 2 $66.99 X 1
8DF-1133E-10-00 Cable, Pulley 1 $63.99 x 2 =$127.98
8DN-17641-01-00 V-Belt $99.99
8DN-11603-00-00 Piston Ring Set $47.99
106346 NGK BR9ECS Spark Plug $12.50 x 3 = $37.50

Total Parts $2048.28
Labour 7 Hours x $100 = $700.00
Shop Supplies $37.45

Bill $2785.73

Taxes $278.60

Total Bill $3064.33

Here is the explanation of what they did:

Remove Engine and Give estimate of Repairs - 2 Cylinders and Pistons Bad and Power Valve Cables Bad. Reseal Bottom End and clean all bearings from debris. Install New Pistons and Rings and Cylinders - Check Chain Tension. Remove Seal = Seized and Bleed Cooling System. Install Power Valves and Cables and Adjust Set Cable Play to Spec = New / Will Stretch = Retighten after break in period. Clean Carbs and Replace Fuel = Added Oil for first tank of fresh fuel. Install New Spark Plugs. Test Run = Works Good.


Use Premium Fuel Only
Add 100 ML of Oil for First Tank of Fuel and Monitor All Fluid Levels.

So I have been thinking about this on the way home and I have a couple of questions.

Should I add 100ml of oil to every fresh tank as some added insurance?

They told me that they would have to do the retighten of the power valve cables and that is something I could not do myself. Is that true?

Any other advice now that I have an almost new top end rebuild?

3000 dollar rebuild, and they use spx pistons?

Not sure why all that work and money and SPX either?
Just make sure you it's jetted properly and let it warm up good before you honk on it.

Where did you get it done?
As long as you feel good about the rebuild cost, then thats all that matters.
I do agree that being a Yamaha dealer, you'd think they'd use Yamaha pistons.
Yamaha pistons are manufactured by ART as are many other pistons. Fit and finish is what gets ya. Not worth the few dollars saved in my opinion.
Just for comparison:

I just did a 600 triple for a friend and am in the middle of doing another 600 triple.
3 refurbed cylinders from Millenium, 3 complete OEM piston kits, all new bearings and gaskets.
OEM piston kits are max 200.00
Total bill was $2200.00/sled, including labour.
I chose to go with those pistons - If they went everything OEM my bill was going to be over $3600.00 - was trying to save some cash. It was fixed at the Yamaha dealer in Moose Jaw.
Iceman31 said:
Up here SRX700 of the same year are selling for $3500 or more.

I paid $2,200 for my 2000 SRX and felt I paid too much. Jeesz. If you got that kind of dough, it probably doesn't matter that much to you.

Let me know if you want me to recheck your Power Valves for you. $200 per valve checked.
Now I know why I do ALL my own service and repairs to my sleds.Pricing on OEM parts from dealers up here in Canada is way out of whack with US prices I mean a set of rings here is upwards of $45 where they can be found for less than $20 from a US dealer.
The price you paid for a reman cylinder is a bit high too,the last on I got from AAB in Thetford Mines Quebec was around $300,but that was a few years ago too.And to use SPX pistons?I don't know why a dealer would recommend those over OEM.I guess I shouldn't run down SPX stuff because I've never used them before it's just a general rule of thumb to go with OEM,they seem to be more forgiving and tougher.
You will want to get yourself a service manual for your sled once you get your garage built,trust me you'll save yourself the price of it the first time you open it up to fix or adjust something given the current shop rates.

Other things to add to your list of tools to buy;
a clutch puller
good metric wrenches and sockets
torque wrench
an alignment bar in case your ever have to remove the engine
make yourself a grunt tool to separate the primary clutch spider
It's always nice to have a press too,Princess auto has them on sale every month or so in the 6-10 ton range.You don't need anything bigger.
A small parts washer is nice but you can generally make do with a decent size tray and some varsol.
A volt/ohm meter is a good thing to have around too,these are available from CDN Tire or P. Auto as well.Again nothing fancy is needed here either.
Those guys at Merc Service are good guys and do good work from my experience. I'm just a little suprised they even mentioned using SPX instead of OEM. I'm sure it'll run like a champ!
If that engine was completely apart and rebuilt, all three pistons should have been replaced and should be the same kind. After spending that much on a rebuild i'd hate to see it blow again because of skimping out on 1 piston.
viperking said:
If that engine was completely apart and rebuilt, all three pistons should have been replaced and should be the same kind. After spending that much on a rebuild i'd hate to see it blow again because of skimping out on 1 piston.

Bang on. Riding it as is could cost you more money.
dealer was not to smart on that part.All 3 pistons should be the same at least.Maybe you will be fine,maybe you may not.What did the dealer say about this,you must have made the decision together .Do they warrant the rebuild for a period of it on paper..check it out...may be worth looking into.Don't want to scare you but mixing the pistons don't sound very good..hey what do I know...
