help please!! finally have snow

Sleeper1 said:
want something faster then ebay, will an srx 02+ box work?

no, totally differnt ign curve.

well, get on the phone look for a 04 box at sled salvage yards up there then...............

I gave you the information to make sure you get the right one.

you never mentioned wether or not if you plugged in the older box if it fixed your sled, I would do that before I bought a cdi box.
so mr viper, i took your advice: "an older one 02-03 cdi will fit but the dcs wont work"

spent some decent coin to get it in time, seen you help out many people, and appreciate you chiming in on my issues.. BUT

just cuz it fits doesn't mean it will work, have you ever even looked at the wiring diags? they're completely different, every pins going to have to be swapped around to get the thing half functional, never mind the warmers and all the other shit that won't be.
Sleeper1 said:
so mr viper, i took your advice: "an older one 02-03 cdi will fit but the dcs wont work"

spent some decent coin to get it in time, seen you help out many people, and appreciate you chiming in on my issues.. BUT

just cuz it fits doesn't mean it will work, have you ever even looked at the wiring diags? they're completely different, every pins going to have to be swapped around to get the thing half functional, never mind the warmers and all the other shit that won't be.

Ok, you took your cdi and plugged it in the other sled and it had the same problems as yours, but you never plugged his 02-03 into yours, instead you went and bought one without trying it.......really... :o|

yes, I have looked at them both, 04 cdi have same number of pins in the cdi as the 02-03 does, if you have the wiring tool they pop right out and move them to the wiring diagram. I moved them before when retro fitting the newer cdi box on a 2000 srx as well, so yes, it does work

but more importantly..I gave you the information to get the 04 box.......heck I even posted a link to one!!! It was a plug and play ordeal, but you had a excuse not to buy it. I ship to Canada all the time you coulda had that box in 4-5 days just by U.S. mail, quicker if you chose airmail.
I cant hold your hand and spoon feed you on every single bolt,nut,move you do. You should have bought the 04 one like I posted.
I of course didnt read every wire on the diagram because there was no need to, if the wires need swapped to the pins so be it, quit whining and get it going... I have moved them before retro fitting the srx, if its the same number of pins it works...
sorry, was pissed last night.. wanted to make a run this weekend thats clearly not happening

i went through the digrams and got the CDI in, after swapping some wiring around and leaving some loose, same damn issue!! So, when i tried his CDI in my sled, i didn't take it for a drive, had it in the shop all seemed well. Now i'm not thinkin CDI so much. I went as far as xraying it and all appears fine inside and is all surface mount solid state.

The TWO other stators I tried, changed symtoms a bit.. They were from an 02-03 SRX, buddy told me they're the same, can anyone confirm this here??
Sleeper1 said:
sorry, was pissed last night.. wanted to make a run this weekend thats clearly not happening

i went through the digrams and got the CDI in, after swapping some wiring around and leaving some loose, same damn issue!! So, when i tried his CDI in my sled, i didn't take it for a drive, had it in the shop all seemed well. Now i'm not thinkin CDI so much. I went as far as xraying it and all appears fine inside and is all surface mount solid state.

The TWO other stators I tried, changed symtoms a bit.. They were from an 02-03 SRX, buddy told me they're the same, can anyone confirm this here??

its ok, I understand the frustration of it not being fixed, but we gotta work together to fix it.

the stators are the same on the 2000-02 srx and all of the the vipers 02-05

let me ask this is the pick up coil a factory yamaha one? Are the other stators a original yamaha ones? I know theres a problem when using the aftermarket stators and pick up coils, they will idle but not run at anything but.
both stators came from a local yami guru, one had come off a running sled he parted, other only had 47miles on it and looked it too.

All stators appear to be OEM, the RM style pickup coil looks a bit different
