Opinions on the new Viper?

what do you think of the yamacat

well first off did anybody notice no rear exhaust its a front 3 into because there using cats tunnel and seat (yamaha holds a patent on the underseat rear exhaust )

I kinda like their technology advancement.The idea of not using a cable for throttle lever any more but just a wire sending signal to the ecu..now that is crafty..no more cramp in my thumb..
Cat has had quite a few issues with the PC chassis, some will be removed in the viper by having Yamaha clutching.

Other issues have been steering failures, rear suspension mount failures due to poor riveting to the tunnel, fires sometimes destroying the entire sled, and all bolts nuts and fasteners double checked for tightness as there have been several issues owners have seen due to poor QC.

The chaincase with reverse is a real issue. Its the same chain case on the viper. Seen and heard to many issues of this with the best case being that the owner is told to not use reverse until they have a fix (that took all season as they couldn't get parts, out figure out the root cause until after the season). I am not sure if cat ever found the answer to that one. A local acquaintance of mine had a friend brand new turbo cat pop into reverse at speed and it destroys the whole drive train. Not pretty. IMHO its totally unacceptable to have customers sleds fail with no solution available. the lack of belts was a severe issue too last year. Never mind the belts were $250, but there were not enough out there for the consumers to buy to ride their sleds when they blew a belt.

All these things make me leery about cat building the viper for Yamaha.
horkn said:
Cat has had quite a few issues with the PC chassis, some will be removed in the viper by having Yamaha clutching.

Other issues have been steering failures, rear suspension mount failures due to poor riveting to the tunnel, fires sometimes destroying the entire sled, and all bolts nuts and fasteners double checked for tightness as there have been several issues owners have seen due to poor QC.

The chaincase with reverse is a real issue. Its the same chain case on the viper. Seen and heard to many issues of this with the best case being that the owner is told to not use reverse until they have a fix (that took all season as they couldn't get parts, out figure out the root cause until after the season). I am not sure if cat ever found the answer to that one. A local acquaintance of mine had a friend brand new turbo cat pop into reverse at speed and it destroys the whole drive train. Not pretty. IMHO its totally unacceptable to have customers sleds fail with no solution available. the lack of belts was a severe issue too last year. Never mind the belts were $250, but there were not enough out there for the consumers to buy to ride their sleds when they blew a belt.

All these things make me leery about cat building the viper for Yamaha.
what a bunch of BS if you ask me..what is wrong with the Cat Engineers anyways..where did they find them from....India or China??That is so pathetic to say the least.If Yamaha didn't come along to aid them,they probably would be closing the doors soon..but we all know Cat riders are the most loyal,so they love throwing out $$ for Sleds that always break down..are they insane or what??What is wrong with Johnny Q Public anyways.Hop on a Yami and you are riding without any fears of breaking down miles away from home.I hope Arctic Cat at least supplies free of charge Bungee pull ropes to keep on the sled..because they know they will need a tow out or home...lol.
If I had a Cat and got big time screwed on a new sled..you think I would be going back(loyal or not)..It is my hard earned $$$..why keeping shoving it up their arses...get a brain you Cat owners..get a BRAIN!! I MEAN IT..so funny and stupid at the same time...losers!!
I saw on arctic chat. Com that some new cat owners that broke chain case parts or are not lucky enough to get a spare belt ended up having their sleds sit at the dealer during the season. These guys were out $$ and a sled during this time.

I honestly think that cat released the PC chassis without enough testing on production parts. Pure production parts are different than production ones.
03viperguy said:
so I think this will be a great sled with yamaha motors and clutches.
This is .....IF Yamaha builds the engines to Yamaha specs and not to Cat specs. The older Suzuki engines were a fantastic powerplant........untill they had to start building them to Cat specs. It's not Suzukis fault that the Cat specs were udder dog sh!t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would not have took on that contract if my name was going on the product.
horkn said:
I saw on arctic chat. Com that some new cat owners that broke chain case parts or are not lucky enough to get a spare belt ended up having their sleds sit at the dealer during the season. These guys were out $$ and a sled during this time.

I honestly think that cat released the PC chassis without enough testing on production parts. Pure production parts are different than production ones.
wow totally how not to run a company...not good business practice for sure.How could they be down on parts,you would think that everyone at least needs a spare belt just in case...but that wasn't important I guess they thought they made a flawless sled..I hope these Cat owners are happy now..lol..probably their sleds still sitting there....waiting..WAITING!!! I for one would ask for my money back..could of been a class action suit here ..
horkn said:
Cat has had quite a few issues with the PC chassis, some will be removed in the viper by having Yamaha clutching.

Other issues have been steering failures, rear suspension mount failures due to poor riveting to the tunnel, fires sometimes destroying the entire sled, and all bolts nuts and fasteners double checked for tightness as there have been several issues owners have seen due to poor QC.

The chaincase with reverse is a real issue. Its the same chain case on the viper. Seen and heard to many issues of this with the best case being that the owner is told to not use reverse until they have a fix (that took all season as they couldn't get parts, out figure out the root cause until after the season). I am not sure if cat ever found the answer to that one. A local acquaintance of mine had a friend brand new turbo cat pop into reverse at speed and it destroys the whole drive train. Not pretty. IMHO its totally unacceptable to have customers sleds fail with no solution available. the lack of belts was a severe issue too last year. Never mind the belts were $250, but there were not enough out there for the consumers to buy to ride their sleds when they blew a belt.

All these things make me leery about cat building the viper for Yamaha.
I guess I have a little faith that the fact Yamaha will get the loose rivets and bolts straightened out. taken from the Chris Reid Yamha blog..."The SR Viper delivers our FX Nytro engine in a unique version of Cats newest chassis which is arguably the most advanced on the market today. Yes it is assembled in their Thief River Falls facility under rapidly evolving QA protocol that meets Yamaha global standards."
and the rest seems to be related to cat clutches and motors. I think it has serious potential. and I am no cat fan. also not a straight up hater, there are 4 brands, not just the one :rocks:
bluemonster1 said:
I kinda like their technology advancement.The idea of not using a cable for throttle lever any more but just a wire sending signal to the ecu..now that is crafty..no more cramp in my thumb..
Yamaha calls it Yamaha Chip Controlled Throttle. my 2002 Maxima has it. many cars do now
My Audi all road has fly by wire throttle too. That's a great idea on a sled.

Now, I agree that most issues that cat had/has are either cat motor/clutching, but the reverse /chaincase appears to be the same as the cat. I would hope that any assembly or other issues would be non existent in the viper.
I will be looking to ride a new viper as soon as I can, and I really want to follow it in its first year. If it silences critics in year one, yamaha will have a hit. Cat has done a lot of negative press on their new chassis sleds. The issues they have had make the 900 fusion look like a perfect sled in comparison
I also hope Yamaha has uped the quality of the cat sled. I really do not think that both Yamaha and Cat should be selling the same sled. At least Yamaha could have put a different hood on it... I think Yamaha might get the worst of this deal.....
snowworks said:
I think Yamaha might get the worst of this deal
That's a BIG 10-4 good buddy. Cat has nothing to lose because their QA engineers must have come over from a YUGO plant. Yamaha has EVERYTHING to lose because there QA department is the benchmark of quality.
