My SRX's future is bright


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
Well I know I have had issues with my SRX and between valves,cables,clutching suspension it seemed to never end.I still would like to thank everyone who ever give me advice or criticism .All I ever wanted to do is get the SRX dialed in properly and after all these years trying different things and almost getting to a point I wanted to sell it because I was final decision is in.
She is running great lately.I have made some changes which no doubt helped.I changed the stator because I always thought or felt something electrical was up.Did wire harness check,fixed wires under handle bar where mice nested and so on.Tried different CDI even.Then the PV and cable issues almost did me in..
BUT now I think I finally got it to where it should be.After a ride tonight I am absolutely convinced.Everything is back to stock as mrviper suggested me to do.This morning went for some wot runs and was over reving to 87-8800.That is the factory stock over rev issue from day one on these sleds and others as well.Got some new 4.5 rivets today from the dealer,replaced the 3.6 inner rivets with them and now she is running hard now,great pull and snap.I will know better tomorrow because my light burned out on the tach,to dark to see but it felt awesome.Suspension was another thing.I long travelled it to save my back.Still couldn't dial it in.Was fighting with the steering on corners with some inside ski lift.Felt like to much ski pressure as well.So tonight I loosened the straps just 8 mm each just to see if anything changes,a couple more turns open on the transfer rod nuts.Took it to the small twisty river here tonight and somehow like magic the damn sled turns like it was actually on friggin rails.I don't even have to fight with the bars and no throwing all my body weight to one side.It literally took the corner tight and back end followed naturally.I am using stock Yamaha skis with 6 inch carbide and no studs.Well that surprised the heck out of me,so had to go try it over and over and same thing.It turns like it was on rails and got to admit I don't think I had it ever do this so good as it did tonight.It basically felt as if I had power steering..what an improvement.
So now I am so very happy ,it took years to get it this way,but now it is a fun sled to ride and puts a huge smile on my face.I finally can see why guys like the SRX..once they are dialed in for your becomes part of you.
I will not sell this sled now,it will remain in the family to the end.

Sorry for the long posting.Actually both my sleds are running better then ever before,just took me longer then some of you,patience is needed but worth it now.To many to thank.Sorry for all the complaining and from now on I will be reading and trying to help others on here.
Some key people I want to thank for putting up with me and helped out are mrviper,Turk,Staggs,modsrx,sideshowbob,mopar1,YammieGod,bluewho,rx1Jim and others(you know who you are) .You all helped me learn a
My advice to a lot of people is unless you are serious into drags or radar runs,just maintain your stock sled as stock and tune it and it will put a smile on your face and last a long time.My tripples are both ridden hard and damn motors just don't quit.I think my sled is just as good as the YamaCat'
Thank you Yamaha for great sleds.
Will be riding tomorrow,all weekend and enjoying watch the odometer on the SRX pass 10,000 miles..awesome!!!

Good Riding guys,season is close to ending soon..get some more miles on them Yami's.

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That's great Blue. Glad you're finally at peace with the SRX. I know it's been a struggle for you for quite a while. Fortunately you didn't get to the point of selling it. She's a collectors sled now and glad your hanging onto her. You would have regretted it. Enjoy the rest of winter, atleast you are getting some good riding in. :letitsnow
One of the first things I read on this sight was, if you want your SRX to go slower, just start trying to make it faster.
Dont remember who it was, but I remember thinking he had alot of posts in all the tech threads I was reading, so he must know what the rest are going to find out. I'm pretty good with the wrenches and common sense, so I dont have a problem taking good advise. Not that I havent tried a few things from knowledge of years gone by, but the sled went backwards immediately.

She pulls as hard as traction will allow and hits 8500rpm every time I pull the trigger. Might be a few good tuners who will beat me across the lake, but they wont be far enough ahead for me to worry about pulling my hair out to gain a few mph on top.
Good advise Blue. Glad your a happy camper.
Whats it done for the hair? lol
bluemonster1 said:
Well I know I have had issues with my SRX and between valves,cables,clutching suspension it seemed to never end.I still would like to thank everyone who ever give me advice or criticism .All I ever wanted to do is get the SRX dialed in properly and after all these years trying different things and almost getting to a point I wanted to sell it because I was final decision is in.
She is running great lately.I have made some changes which no doubt helped.I changed the stator because I always thought or felt something electrical was up.Did wire harness check,fixed wires under handle bar where mice nested and so on.Tried different CDI even.Then the PV and cable issues almost did me in..
BUT now I think I finally got it to where it should be.After a ride tonight I am absolutely convinced.Everything is back to stock as mrviper suggested me to do.This morning went for some wot runs and was over reving to 87-8800.That is the factory stock over rev issue from day one on these sleds and others as well.Got some new 4.5 rivets today from the dealer,replaced the 3.6 inner rivets with them and now she is running hard now,great pull and snap.I will know better tomorrow because my light burned out on the tach,to dark to see but it felt awesome.Suspension was another thing.I long travelled it to save my back.Still couldn't dial it in.Was fighting with the steering on corners with some inside ski lift.Felt like to much ski pressure as well.So tonight I loosened the straps just 8 mm each just to see if anything changes,a couple more turns open on the transfer rod nuts.Took it to the small twisty river here tonight and somehow like magic the damn sled turns like it was actually on friggin rails.I don't even have to fight with the bars and no throwing all my body weight to one side.It literally took the corner tight and back end followed naturally.I am using stock Yamaha skis with 6 inch carbide and no studs.Well that surprised the heck out of me,so had to go try it over and over and same thing.It turns like it was on rails and got to admit I don't think I had it ever do this so good as it did tonight.It basically felt as if I had power steering..what an improvement.
So now I am so very happy ,it took years to get it this way,but now it is a fun sled to ride and puts a huge smile on my face.I finally can see why guys like the SRX..once they are dialed in for your becomes part of you.
I will not sell this sled now,it will remain in the family to the end.

Sorry for the long posting.Actually both my sleds are running better then ever before,just took me longer then some of you,patience is needed but worth it now.To many to thank.Sorry for all the complaining and from now on I will be reading and trying to help others on here.
Some key people I want to thank for putting up with me and helped out are mrviper,Turk,Staggs,modsrx,sideshowbob,mopar1,YammieGod,bluewho,rx1Jim and others(you know who you are) .You all helped me learn a
My advice to a lot of people is unless you are serious into drags or radar runs,just maintain your stock sled as stock and tune it and it will put a smile on your face and last a long time.My tripples are both ridden hard and damn motors just don't quit.I think my sled is just as good as the YamaCat'
Thank you Yamaha for great sleds.
Will be riding tomorrow,all weekend and enjoying watch the odometer on the SRX pass 10,000 miles..awesome!!!

Good Riding guys,season is close to ending soon..get some more miles on them Yami's.



Can you let me know how you have your suspension setup? I have mine at stock but could be improved. What do you have the 2 back shocks at, limiter straps, front shocks, and the dial for shocks at?
Glad to hear you got your sled set up to your liking. I had a 98 SRX 700 and I really loved it. I had a completely stock sled except the previous owner had installed Bender adjustable hot rods. The suspension setup is critical to good cornering. I put up with ski lift all winter till the last ride of the year I shortened the front strap a little more and then it cornered like it was on rails. I was having second thoughts about trading it for the my spring order 01 SXR. It was a nice machine, but my SRX 700 was one of my all time favorite machines.
thanks guys.
I went back to a Yamaha basic ski which I didn't like to much.I found that the front curve of the stock ski was up to much.In other words when you hit any soft snow or in powder the front of the ski would actually slap the snow and a lot of time threw the snow up and over my hood.That really bugged me.So I took out the 2 bolts from the loops and bent the fronts down.I tried matching it to the curve of my USI ski's Clamped it and marked new holes.I think the holes are back 3/4" further down.Re bolted and what a different ski.Also has a set of 6 inch carbide's here that weren't being used.The stock carbide were crappy and worn 4 inchers.Did the ski shim as well.Now that ski bites better and floats better with lack of snow spray.
As for set up..I adjusted the straps so that there is 20mm of thread showing from the nut.Front skid shock is at 0 preload,so I can still spin the Spring by hand.Rear shock is by Yamaha specs all the way at maximum setting..FRA is B position.I can't explain it but the sled turns instantly and really like it was on tracks(like a roller coaster following its tracks).It really is something to behold how it does it and the sled really doesn't roll into the corners,stays flat through out the turn,back end just follows automatically where before may have to flip the throttle to swing back around.This I find is a total different handling sled.Remember I also am using SXR long travel shocks.Ohlins in Front end.Skid is tight,bushings shimmed as well,roller needle bearings in the front skid shock as well to eliminate any play there.So it is more straight and responsive this skid for a pro action and really don't feel to bad on the bumps now.Got to read bethevipers thread on setting up your suspension..makes a lot of sense.The tranfer can be adjusted for your liking.I went 50/50,but now have it 2 extra turns open(thenut on top)seems to help a little more on the bumps for comfort for me anyways.Make sure all bearings are smooth.I had to repack 2 bearings (the 2 inside rear idlers)as they were clicking.Opened up one seal and water poured out.So these skid bearing do go thru hell especially when you go to cold back to a warm garage and melting is present.Ski alignment has been done as well and all bushings in front are tight as well..keep the grease flowing as well..What else can I say.

Got to check you w-arm every Summer.Mine are great and re inforced and no cracking going on.But when I was long travelling the skid last summer and had it all assembled..I stood back and glanced at it on the bench and it seemed twisted.Now that got to took arm off and layed it on a flat straight surface and sure enough the w-arm is twisted,could not really fix chucked it.I had extra w-arms here and picked the straight one.Everything is now straight again.Every little thing helps is what I am saying.Works for me now.
got to remember guys,when I bought this sled it wasn't perfect.Previous owner or owners did not maintain it.I had to put a whole new skid in as the old one was fubar..cracked w-arm,worn out rails covered by new hyfax,pieces missing like spacers in upper cross sections,bushing was a mess.Worn out front shock bushings.The w-arm was barely hanging together with all the cracks it had.So I did spend extra money and time to get it right again,plus I incorporated over sized idlers and wheels and marginal wheel kit for up front.I just wanted this 02 SRX so bad as there was no other 02 around anywhere.I nearly picked up a 98 SRX for cheap before I found the 02.Glad I stuck with the 02 instead.To this day I still have not seen a single 02 SRX for sale here,a lot of 98,2000 and 2001,'s .Glad I found this 02.
My front Ohlins are 213 mm (total length of spring) with 8 clicks out for dampening force. My Stopper Band is set at 32 mm (yours is at 20 mm which is less weight on skis, more weight transfer). My front mono is 190 mm and rear is 306 mm. Full rate adjuster is at "B" position.

So I guess I should be 1 click out on the front shocks for dampening force and stopper band should be 20 instead of 32?

Sled as is handles like crap.
SRX_700 said:
My front Ohlins are 213 mm (total length of spring) with 8 clicks out for dampening force. My Stopper Band is set at 32 mm (yours is at 20 mm which is less weight on skis, more weight transfer). My front mono is 190 mm and rear is 306 mm. Full rate adjuster is at "B" position.

So I guess I should be 1 click out on the front shocks for dampening force and stopper band should be 20 instead of 32?

Sled as is handles like crap.
yeah its weird.Had the threads showing at 28 mm to nut prior.Did not think a little adjustment would change anything.BUT I felt my ski's where really heavy up front just from struggling with the steering and taking corners.I guess you do little changes at a time and see what ends up.Going riding soon,soshould be fun day.My ohins up front are somewhere around the 7 -8 clicks if I remember.
"Front skid shock is at 0 preload,so I can still spin the Spring by hand"

Not sure where I can make this adjustment with a stock shock.
nothing is perfect bud.You know how things are used to things one way,then by fluke you make a little adjustment here and there and all of a sudden you notice something changed for the better.I still have to struggle a little on the big River when I am taking corners at 85 and 90...but seems to hug the corners better there to.Just once today I was taking a corner to fast and just wander off the path ..lucky it wasn't a tree zone.... :o|
If I had my Simmon's skis would even feel better yet..may have to pu another set of them ski's.
well I had another very good day of riding today with another 95 mile tacked on.Got 300 more and I pass the 10,000 mile on to the next 10,000 after that.
SRX is still performing great today.I didn't want to get off it,heavy on the flipper does eat more fuel.Got to save some for the weekend.She is pulling strong and the sound is great..what a different running sled now..Did I mention "FUN FACTOR"..

PS: got over 1200 miles on it this season plus around 700 miles on the 600..will pass the 2000 miles mark this season.But my fuel/oil Bill is high... ;)!
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I am glad to here you are happy and riding like you should be... Like I said about my Viper,she is an awsome sled and I love riding her. You just goout there and have a blast and that smile will be there for a long time... I am pushing over 3200khms this year on the viper and having a blast. Another 500 to 600 Khms planned for this weekend... Happy trails Doug and maybe I will pass you on the Red, so if you see a flash of Red go by you try and catch
good to hear and weekend will be mint.Went to the Rat River for a while actually has a nice new layer of snow..around 4 inch's or so.SRX was sliding all over on it today.But SRX don't like so many corners every 5 seconds.Man there are some nice places to climb along the Red also..after the Rat/Red junction towards St Agathe on the right side there are straight vertical stuff to climb.Don't know if our sleds could climb that.It reminds me back in the 80's.There used to be tall verticals to climb and we all did it with out lighter sleds..We must of been brave or nuts then.I will be out tomorrow for sure
Just getting ready to head out.. Mark and I were climbing those vertical hills...awesome.. Pics made a huge difference for me climbing as opposed to him.. I got almost to the top circling up and down.. Maybe see ya out there.. Enjoy..
