2003 SX Viper Dead on the ice

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I don't believe there is any sled on the ice, maybe in someone's backyard. Why the heck would you ask what size the motor is, how to hot wire it? sketchy is an understatement!
He has an ad in the wanted section for a ignition w/ key & a y-pipe for a 03' Viper. Not sure why he would want an exhaust manifold for it if he was stealing it....then again who knows.
My cousin broke down, and he got sick of the sled, cause the gas milage, he rode it hard, and hes a HEAVY guy, and said to me and my younger cousin, that if we wants it 700 we can have it, and sorry if you guys think im trying to steal it, im not, and i just got my fathers newest machine out and will tow it in the AM
the reason i asked for the size motor, is i was looking for parts to fix it up, when he came to a stop the welds on the bottoem of the Y pipe blew off, theres a mighty big hole in it, and i was goign by the serial number on her, there is no markings on the sled anywhere, and i am only used to my 04 MXZ 550F, i thoguth it would be posted on the engine soemwhere but i cant find it, i was told its a 2004 Yammy SX Viper 700 triple, sorry if the story is sketchy but thats how it is guys
Sounds like a weak battery made for hard starting. Flooded it and blew the exhaust off it when it tried to start???
Just blew the can off my buds Rev the same way. Welded it back up, put a new battery in and back to riding. Not before melting a new boot getting it home though. Even melted the chaincase dipstick. lol

Your post does kinda sound like your trying to swipe a broke down sled. Cant blame people for thinking that.
95rxl650 said:
Sounds like a weak battery made for hard starting. Flooded it and blew the exhaust off it when it tried to start???
Just blew the can off my buds Rev the same way. Welded it back up, put a new battery in and back to riding. Not before melting a new boot getting it home though. Even melted the chaincase dipstick. lol

Your post does kinda sound like your trying to swipe a broke down sled. Cant blame people for thinking that.

Yah true, i got blamed for stealing my MXZ once T_T, right from out side my house LOL
