It is nice and Sunny today,-7 C...just beautiful.Everytime I do wot pulls and get to 105 the light flashes on me.Tried putting gas line water remover(heet),seemed to help last time..not today.I am jetted stock and just have 45 pilots.Doesn't make sense now it is acting up more lately.Last 2 years hardly flashed once or twice.Guess I will jet up 1 size to see if it will help.Use same premium fuel as always(91 octane here)...piss's me off a tad.Was at 105 on speedo and climbing and she flash's every time I get around that speed.
Besides that the SRX is strong and just a humming today..
Besides that the SRX is strong and just a humming today..

Super Moderator
91 might not be enough. I know high octain quality gas makes all the difference with these as you know. DId you try some octain boost? My guess its the gas causing you grief.
Stock 02 jetting is kind of lean I think for doing top end runs. Try jetting up first.
UMMM just dont go 105!!! lol. Blue your getting to old to be going that fast!!! lol. Old bones take longer to heal dude
yami1 said:UMMM just dont go 105!!! lol. Blue your getting to old to be going that fast!!! lol. Old bones take longer to heal dude
Stock jetting should be rich at -7c
Cam/ Viper adict
New member
super1c said:91 might not be enough. I know high octain quality gas makes all the difference with these as you know. DId you try some octain boost? My guess its the gas causing you grief.
x2 run octane boost in my sled all the time.. half a bottle roughly each time i fill from empty..

yes stock jetting should be rich for today's temps.I have Fitch in the tank,it should actually help octane..Anyways I am to lazy to take carbs out one more time..I will change jets next Fall.For now just gonna ride ..Need 168 more miles to pass 10,000 on the motor..happy camper.
SRX acceleration is awesome today and the pull is great..PV cables still holding well.This motors are sure strong when they work right...
SRX acceleration is awesome today and the pull is great..PV cables still holding well.This motors are sure strong when they work right...
Stock 02 jetting?stein700sx said:Stock jetting should be rich at -7c
New member
do a wot chop when th dcs comes on and see what the plugs are reading, I have heard that the dcs will come on when going into the wind vs going down wind.
146.3 and 147.5 are lean in -7 Celsius temps. My plugs have a nice safe colour at 148.8 at -2 Celsius. Your 146.6 jugs might be detonating.
Take a pic of the plugs and report back.
Take a pic of the plugs and report back.

I have been running stock jetting for all these years.Reason 02 uses these jets is because we have DCS.DCS has not been an issue for years until now lately.I run them in -20 C..so I would say they would be rich for -7 to 0C..wouldn't you think.

what year is your SRX???SRX_700 said:146.3 and 147.5 are lean in -7 Celsius temps. My plugs have a nice safe colour at 148.8 at -2 Celsius. Your 146.6 jugs might be detonating.
Take a pic of the plugs and report back.
2000. If the quality of gasoline remained constant throughtout your 20 years, then I would look elsewhere. Perhaps the last batch of gas delivered to the station was from a different refinerary.
Don't over complicate this. Either richen up the mains or increase the octane.
Don't over complicate this. Either richen up the mains or increase the octane.
bluemonster1 said:I have been running stock jetting for all these years.Reason 02 uses these jets is because we have DCS.DCS has not been an issue for years until now lately.I run them in -20 C..so I would say they would be rich for -7 to 0C..wouldn't you think.
Do you know what your problem is? You're getting in the top end now, 100+mph.
Going below 100, like you seem to have been doing all these years is not very likely to set it off . Jet up and try again.

yes sled is starting to run crisper now and reaching speeds beyond the 100mph.I know I would of lost some speed from raising sled higher(long travel skid/raising front end).I would just be happy at 110 all the time.Just love the pull it has now,a fun machine.I may increase jetting.I have 2 sizes to increase,but will probably just up it one size first.
Do that and let us know.

you want me to work don't you...lol,How many miles on your 02 norweg.???