Srx 600 Oval Race Build

Race pipes are on the way. I wanted to get some gearing and clutching to start with. I figure should hit about 95 mph in straight away. So to stay in 1 to 1 ratio and turning motor 9700 rpm a 20/40 with stock drivers? clutching oh boy high rpms are going to throw me we off. I thinking 8bu10s empty with strong spring and 45/42 to start with?? My be to heavy of weight to start with? maybe a heavy hitter so I can play with loading weights? Jabber do you wrap pipes?
I would likely replace the stock drivers with 10 tooths and increase the rear wheel size. Your going to want that sled to roll really well. As far as weights are concerned the bu10 would be a good starting point. A bit heavy. We have ground material from the weight to get it to our ideal weight! It took a bit of time to get to it though.
Well have sled tore down. Starting with setting suspension. I removed transfer rods and was planning on running strap to control transfer. Do I need to control forward and reward movement of rear like control arms did? To me front W arm will control forward just need to controll transfer reward? I have rear sucked down low and really changes angles. Was thinking of running limiter blocks attached to slide rails that would stop scissors arm to control transfer like most torsion skids run. Any one try this? I only need 2 inches of suspension travel but will probly be a little more in order to pull alot of weight off front of skid for alot of ski pressure need.


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After lowering front I am close to rules 45 inches to outside of skis rule. Will be keeping front stock other than lowering via shock straps and camber changes.


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