New member
unenjoyment yup we live in simialer area pretty much 80% of outside work is shut down during the winter months. alot of oldtimers just wont work outside during the winter months. im 38 and dont mind it one bit. i honestly never get cold. im not good in the high heat/ humidty unless shaded. all day in direct sunlight 85 degrees with 100% humidity would honestly kill me. i cant handle the heat like i could when i was in my twentys. i love the bitter cold (cheap hp) and all the snow i can handle.
Cam/ Viper adict
New member
Vt Srx said:Between registration, insurance and TMA it costs me about $200 to make my sled legal in VT and i'm a resident. Insurance is only $70.
Seems pretty late in the season to be putting new stickers on a sled! Hope you have time left to enjoy it.
Wow... Insurance for your sleds there is cheap!!! I pay over 500.00 a sled up here in Manitoba, Canada... Trail passes here are 125.00 a year for each sled..
New member
the trail pass price isnt too bad but that insurance is pretty crazy. do you need to carry your insurance cards while you ride the trails like here in ny? usually here you dont get pulled over they have check points making sure your reggie is good witch must displayed on the cowling ONLY , not the windshild. 99% of the time you buzz right through unless your registration is no good then your done. 10 years ago you would hardly see one cop on patrol let alone two but now every law enforcement agencie has got a hand in it. really dont bother me none but ever since 9-11-2001 boarder patrol has been out in full force. ive noticed that the cops are there to keep things safe not harass everybody and that is what they do. oh i forgot to mention they have speed traps set up from time to time usually on the weekends (to catch all the jersey guys lol) all the locals know the deal we ride late night to get the adreline pumping.Cam/ Viper adict said:Wow... Insurance for your sleds there is cheap!!! I pay over 500.00 a sled up here in Manitoba, Canada... Trail passes here are 125.00 a year for each sled..
Cam/ Viper adict
New member
I dont mind the trail pass price but a portion of it goes to our public insurance corp.. It should all go to the snowmobile clubs.. Ya we have to carry our registration with us. We get a plate like a car to put on the sleds, its a little smaller. We also have police and resource officers pulling sleds over. I was caught on a speed trap once riding the ditches but kinda took off from them. They were riding 500's and didnt have a chance catching me..lol.. The fine here for no trail pass and insurance is $474.00.. We have a public insurance corp,no compitition so our provincial government rapes us.. (oh oh, where is Blue,he will go on that one..lol..) Riding is not cheap here and I keep 3 sleds insured, not to mention vehicles.. (gulp)
New member
thats pretty funny "kinda took off" that must be a universal term for all sledders if my sled could talk i would of killed it already, it knows to much. fines are steep for riding dirty here too.Cam/ Viper adict said:I dont mind the trail pass price but a portion of it goes to our public insurance corp.. It should all go to the snowmobile clubs.. Ya we have to carry our registration with us. We get a plate like a car to put on the sleds, its a little smaller. We also have police and resource officers pulling sleds over. I was caught on a speed trap once riding the ditches but kinda took off from them. They were riding 500's and didnt have a chance catching me..lol.. The fine here for no trail pass and insurance is $474.00.. We have a public insurance corp,no compitition so our provincial government rapes us.. (oh oh, where is Blue,he will go on that one..lol..) Riding is not cheap here and I keep 3 sleds insured, not to mention vehicles.. (gulp)

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Vt Srx
New member
Our insurance is through private carriers so i just add it to my auto policy. We are only required to get liability insurance so I carry the minimum required. As or about 5 years ago we didn't need insurance at all.
Cam/ Viper adict
New member
vmax4pjg said:thats pretty funny "kinda took off" that must be a universal term for all sledders if my sled could talk i would of killed it already, it knows to much. fines are steep for riding dirty here too.![]()
We sledders dont have rear veiw mirrors to see whats behind us and we cant hear sirens, so technically its "kinda took off" not really running from anyone..lol..
New member
I also have a Yamaha Machine with a 9 digit VIN. I can't find anywhere to locate what year is is. The VIN is 8ED-001589 It was manufactured in 6/1999 So it could be a 99 or a 2000. Can anybody help me with this?
6/1999 would indicate 2000 model year. Snowmobile model year runs are similar to automobile model year runs, ie 2000 model year cars/trucks actually begin manufacturing and sales well into the year prior (1999).
Also, MM700D indicates model year 2000, based on the letter D (C=1999, F=2001, E is skipped).
Also, MM700D indicates model year 2000, based on the letter D (C=1999, F=2001, E is skipped).