Mountain Viper Help


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Anchorage alaska
Cleaning the engine compartment up, cleaned the power valves and all, took my air box off and cleaned back there. Anyways when I put it all back together my idle screw no longer seems to change the idle speed at all.
What could cause this?
Did you check that the things under the screw still are there? Does it idle?
Throttle cable too tight, thus your idle speed screw isn't touching the cam arm? There should be some slack at the end of the cable when at idle, right below where it exits the sheathing at the adjuster bracket and before it engages the cam arm.

Does your TORS activate, if it is hooked up?
I'll dig into it tonight, started it up yesterday and it idled at very low RPM's then slowly died. Now it won't start at all. I know the cable is pinched because I can no longer press the throttle all the way to the handle bars like I used to be able to.
So I have found out that I'm not getting fuel to the cylinders. (Poured a little in each cylinder and it fired right up.) the tors button attached to the bottom of the idle screw came undone so I reattached that, still no fuel but I do have spark.

Now what?!
Is the sled out in the cold or in a heated area?

The original Viper fuel pumps have a little bleed hole on their underside that have a nasty habit of allowing water into the base of the pump resulting in a frozen pump = no fuel.
Remove the airbox and check every inch of every single line: fuel lines, oil line, pulse line. Make sure they are all hooked up on both ends. Make sure the fuel line is hooked up from the pump to the tank, and also still hooked up inside the tank with the filter resting on the bottom.

Double check all lines where they run under or near the jackshaft, I had an oil line rub through to where it was barely starting to leak, thankfully I caught it in time and fixed/rerouted. If your pulse line rubs through, the fuel pump won't be able to pump.

Any chance you have a fuel line on/off valve that got bumped to off while cleaning?
