Srx Vs Sxr Rear Skid???

your new viper skid looks good, but after looking at the pics it looks like the back sits up pretty high maybe mine is the same but anyhow looks good.
More Pics Transfer Rods

More pics: First pic - No rider, 2nd pic - with rider, 3rd pic shows height without bottom bolts or spacers


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Viper rods. Looks like with your weight on the sled you are a little high and teenager setting looks loose. Put the bolts back in it, bring the rod upper gap to 16mm max with the weight off sled. Your rear rail at rest should end up off the ground a bit when done.

i'm actually 220lb and when i jump on it goes down a fair amount and feels soft but still can barely start the bottom bolt and spacers.
kking32 said:
i'm actually 220lb and when i jump on it goes down a fair amount and feels soft but still can barely start the bottom bolt and spacers.

I think what they meant was to adjust the rods longer so you can put bolts in and have 50/50 setting. From what it looks like you may not be able to do this. Maybe the 99 srx lower parts wont work? Unsure if the lowers are shorter than the 00+ lowers. I know 99- use shorter(overall) transfer rods and 00+ use longer(overall) transfer rods due to mounting point on lower part of skid being further back on newer skid. If it wasnt blowing like a SOB I would go out and check out my sleds for a better answer.
viper skid

i didn't get a chance to measure it. but are the holes in the rails for the transfer rods in the same place on the 99 srx and the 03 viper?? i used my 99 rails and just transferred arms, shocks and rods over as my slides and bearings were all new. could this be why i'm having trouble getting 50/50??

:idea: :idea: :idea:

Lots of great info in that thread^. Per post #11 on that thread you should be able to bolt them right up, says "use's same hole as pre 2000" Are you 100% sure you rails are 1999? If they were 2000-02 rails using rear hole your scenario would make sense to me. Does rail have another hole just in front of one your using? I know the viper skid didnt come with lower half of transfer rods but should be able to compare rail to rail and verify. Per parts fishe lowers on both sleds exact same part number.
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