Good SRX 700 HC clutch set up


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
This seems to be a pretty decent "do it all" set up:

Heelclicker 40-10 set with red spring
Heel: 5,2 grams
Middle: Empty
Tip: Load as much as you can, with a little grinding and making sure the bolts and nuts (used nut on the other end) did not interfere with the clutch pocket, I managed to put 8,3 grams in each, you can put less. (Putting less, you might have to change helix to a 50/40 or different wrap on the spring)

Dalton 50/38 helix
Red Hauck spring @70 degrees.

Thanks to Mrviper700 for the helix tip and the tip about leaving the middle empty.

If your sled does not feel wild with this set up, something might be wrong with it...
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14,5 mm rollers might make the weights touch the sheave on some clutches.
15 mm gives more than adequate grip.
what kinda track are running with this setup

I have been running this setup also in my SRX last yr, and won many of races with this setup I just used a yamaha silver @ 60 though

Man I wish I had my SRX running
needaSRX said:
what kinda track are running with this setup

I have been running this setup also in my SRX last yr, and won many of races with this setup I just used a yamaha silver @ 60 though

Man I wish I had my SRX running

Was running a ripsaw 1,25' track. For now I am running a hauck set up for top speed, will swap back when the snow is even more compact than now.
Now I am running a 1' hacksaw.
14.5 rollers would not be better/good................... :o|

15 or 15.6mm with h/c's
Turk loved the 14.5's for better belt grip and it sure did grab nice..only thing I didn't have studs at that time and spun to hell..but it was instant..
i seem to get alot more belt grab with the 14.5's and some weight in the middle.

not doing what you guys are doing, this at elevation over 6000' pulling a 155" track. traction is not a problem, especially with the lower engagement.

with my testing at lower levels, i can see where you could benefit with the thicker rollers and no center mass for straight lines.

for the uphill pulls or tree riding in fluffy stuff, clutch temps i am close. i am currently running the center hole with about 3.1g and using a set screw in the tip at about 1.5g and still testing.

waiting for some helix options to finalize. nothing to notch the sheave for the smaller rollers.
Altitude of 6000 ft and a 155 track, no, that is not what we are doing, I can tell you that. The set up posted on this thread is for a 121 track with 1' or 1,25' lug height, for straigtline races and corner to corner riding..
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norwegian said:
Altitude of 6000 ft and a 155 track, no, that is not what we are doing, I can tell you that. The set up posted on this thread is for a 121 track with 1' or 1,25' lug height, for straigtline races and corner to corner riding..
with you on that, just tossed it out there for others. your set up flat rocks at 2500' with the 155 in a straight line. ran that on my 98 srx(155) last snow drags. took second place to a 90lb girl on an arctic cat m8. split second finish. better helix angle or gearing and i would have had the big trophy. sled flattened out at about 90 mph after 400', nothing left for the last few hundred feet where she caught me.

still dialing it in!
If your running ISR rules like they do here you can't notch the primary to suit the 14.5 rollers
well, if you watch the shift curve on a track dyno or really even a VDO replay tach youll see why the 14.5mm rollers really are not the hot ticket.

I can see if you want a low rpm engagement speed and a low shift rpm for deep snow but... then you cant run any weight in the arms, which is kinda not taking advantage of the clutch weight in my opinion.
The red spring is a 360lb shift where the grey is a 330lb shift, so no weight in the arms and youll need less spring like the grey or it will over rev and not clamp the belt as good. Heat will be evident.

for a trail sled with the 14.5mm rollers you simply cant hook it up no matter what track and how many studs, too much, too fast, in snow.... been my expeirance. I have used 14.5mm rollers as they come stock in the vipers, but they spin,spin,spin, and you dont realize how much your losing by spinning till you line up to one with the correct shift out and 15mm rollers, .......bye bye.

Everyone has thier own way of clutching, nothing wrong with that what evr floats your boat.

The nice thing about them(H/C's) is you can tune them to do about anything you want, with differnt helix angles and differnt weight placement they can be tuned in for about anything.

I run these in my own personal sleds. :sled2:
You got that right, took the HC kit from the MM and installed on the SRX, all I did was to add a few grams to the tip, put on 15mm rollers and a suitable helix. Then I found that I had a HC kit I was going to sell to a friend, who sold his Yamaha, and installed that on the MM using 15,6mm rollers. The HC kit makes a world of difference in the MM as well.
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