Hi Folks
My actual clutching ( just one lenght behind renegade 1200):
The pioneer set up
weight 8EK00
rivet inner4.5 gr
rivet outer 4.5gr
primary blu/brn/blu
helix P2VS ( don`t know what is degree double angle)
secondary green set at 70
recommand 8350-8450 rpm
actualy im running 8800 rpm
96 picks
I want to change little things to:
one gear down to 21-38
secondary green set at 60
Add weight at the tip
144 pics
I wondering if this set up will give me enough legs to catch him without lose any top end ?
My actual clutching ( just one lenght behind renegade 1200):
The pioneer set up
weight 8EK00
rivet inner4.5 gr
rivet outer 4.5gr
primary blu/brn/blu
helix P2VS ( don`t know what is degree double angle)
secondary green set at 70
recommand 8350-8450 rpm
actualy im running 8800 rpm
96 picks
I want to change little things to:
one gear down to 21-38
secondary green set at 60
Add weight at the tip
144 pics
I wondering if this set up will give me enough legs to catch him without lose any top end ?
Any input? MrViper ? others Gourous ?

maybe my english is soo bad ?? 

just a slow time of the year. For me I'd be looking to try a different weight than the 8ek. heelclickers, 8ca, heavy hitters for a few.
Slow time of the year if im gearing one tooth down ?
alsim1 said:Hi Folks
My actual clutching ( just one lenght behind renegade 1200):
The pioneer set up
weight 8EK00
rivet inner4.5 gr
rivet outer 4.5gr
primary blu/brn/blu
helix P2VS ( don`t know what is degree double angle)
secondary green set at 70
recommand 8350-8450 rpm
actualy im running 8800 rpm
96 picks
I want to change little things to:
one gear down to 21-38
secondary green set at 60
Add weight at the tip
144 pics
I wondering if this set up will give me enough legs to catch him without lose any top end ?
1.)well. you might be better to add a tad of clutch weight and get the rpm down to 8600rpm. just add a washer to the tip.
2.)The green spring backed off will yield you a little more speed for sure.
3.)gearing it down will make it spin easier on take off, improve the midrange a bit but will remove a tad of topend speed, so you need to determine your average length of race and gear for it.
4.)adding studs will remove topend speed, your going to add rotating weight to the track.
if your close now just fine tune the parts you have without adding more studs. Lots of little things you can adjust to add some speed , like less rolling resistance.
A.) check chain freeplay in chaincase, set it up with 1" total side to side movement.
B.) put atf in the chaincase
C.) install 5.350" idler wheels in skidframe.
Slow time of the year for peoples input here, guys aren't living on the website like during the winter, or close to it. People might only be on here every few days or so, maybee longer
Active member

alsim1 said:Slow time of the year if im gearing one tooth down ?
no, slow time of year for replies, traffic is down this time of year. But thanks for being an *** when I tried to help you out.
btw- i saw on your original post they wanted 83-8450rpm, a viper makes max hp stock right at 8600-8650rpm, not at that low 8300-8450rpm, so your only off by 200rpm for the sweet spot. youd need roughly 1.75-2 grams added to the weights, so maybe like a .5 gram washer on the tips would get you 1.5 then , if you drop the sec another 10 degrees, you might be spot on 8600rpm.
I also should of asked you as to what kind of riding you do 90% of the time as that would dictate the type of primary weight design you should run. For instance the 8ca mentioned is a aggressive weight but its good for drag racing not so much for tight trails and such as they dont backshift well.
H/c's are awesome as you can tune those in but they also cost a guy about $235 for a set and depending on your helix you may need a differnt one of thsoe as well.
When you said you were close already to beating him, i was just going off your set up and giving pointers to get a little more from your current set up thats all.
I also should of asked you as to what kind of riding you do 90% of the time as that would dictate the type of primary weight design you should run. For instance the 8ca mentioned is a aggressive weight but its good for drag racing not so much for tight trails and such as they dont backshift well.
H/c's are awesome as you can tune those in but they also cost a guy about $235 for a set and depending on your helix you may need a differnt one of thsoe as well.
When you said you were close already to beating him, i was just going off your set up and giving pointers to get a little more from your current set up thats all.
Thanks Folks
After I read your input, I think I will go this way
but I don't know what weight can I put and where ( Tip, shoulder...) and model too ????
primary blu/brn/blu
helix P2VS ( don`t know what is degree double angle)
secondary green set at 60
Ajust to run at 8600 rpm
stock gears 22-38
96 picks
check chain freeplay in chaincase, set it up with 1" total side to side movement.
and Mrviper recommandation's
put atf in the chaincase
install 5.350" idler wheels in skidframe.
check chain freeplay in chaincase, set it up with 1" total side to side movement
What is ATF in chaincase ? kind of gear oil ?
Another thing. my limiter straps are at the maximum loose. No tension on the skis and center shock is setup at the maximun tension. I have not enough transfer for lift the skis and the track is spinning...
After I read your input, I think I will go this way
but I don't know what weight can I put and where ( Tip, shoulder...) and model too ????
primary blu/brn/blu
helix P2VS ( don`t know what is degree double angle)
secondary green set at 60
Ajust to run at 8600 rpm
stock gears 22-38
96 picks
check chain freeplay in chaincase, set it up with 1" total side to side movement.
and Mrviper recommandation's
put atf in the chaincase
install 5.350" idler wheels in skidframe.
check chain freeplay in chaincase, set it up with 1" total side to side movement
What is ATF in chaincase ? kind of gear oil ?
Another thing. my limiter straps are at the maximum loose. No tension on the skis and center shock is setup at the maximun tension. I have not enough transfer for lift the skis and the track is spinning...
heel clickers will be a total front clutch kit that comes with 3 weights and 2 primary springs. Youll want to use the red primary spring that comes in the kit.
set up weights like this below, the hardware comes with instructions and tells you what it weighs so the amount is grams per hole.
heel weight-4-5 grams
center hole in weight- 3.4 grams
tip weight is 4.0 grams
I usually reccomend you use a dalton 48-34 helix with the stock red viper spring at 80-90 twist.
since you already have the pioneer helix and green spring try it and run it with the green at 60 and see what your rpm is, you can fine tune the weight placement to suit your current helix, it may or may not work well.
I know for sure and have tested alot with what I listed for helix and weight set up and it flat out rips in single piped viper.
you buy the clutch kit and I will help you get it set up, buy the# 40-10 kit from super torquer.
ATF= automatic transmission fluid, it reduces rotating resistance and is great protection still. I use it in all my own personal sleds, never... ever.... a problem.
set up weights like this below, the hardware comes with instructions and tells you what it weighs so the amount is grams per hole.
heel weight-4-5 grams
center hole in weight- 3.4 grams
tip weight is 4.0 grams
I usually reccomend you use a dalton 48-34 helix with the stock red viper spring at 80-90 twist.
since you already have the pioneer helix and green spring try it and run it with the green at 60 and see what your rpm is, you can fine tune the weight placement to suit your current helix, it may or may not work well.
I know for sure and have tested alot with what I listed for helix and weight set up and it flat out rips in single piped viper.
you buy the clutch kit and I will help you get it set up, buy the# 40-10 kit from super torquer.
ATF= automatic transmission fluid, it reduces rotating resistance and is great protection still. I use it in all my own personal sleds, never... ever.... a problem.
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mrviper700 said:heel clickers will be a total front clutch kit that comes with 3 weights and 2 primary springs. Youll want to use the red primary spring that comes in the kit.
set up weights like this below, the hardware comes with instructions and tells you what it weighs so the amount is grams per hole.
heel weight-4-5 grams
center hole in weight- 3.4 grams
tip weight is 4.0 grams
I usually reccomend you use a dalton 48-34 helix with the stock red viper spring at 80-90 twist.
since you already have the pioneer helix and green spring try it and run it with the green at 60 and see what your rpm is, you can fine tune the weight placement to suit your current helix, it may or may not work well.
I know for sure and have tested alot with what I listed for helix and weight set up and it flat out rips in single piped viper.
I remember, You already asked me . I'm 80% trail and I like good acceleration without lose backshift
you buy the clutch kit and I will help you get it set up, buy the# 40-10 kit from super torquer.
ATF= automatic transmission fluid, it reduces rotating resistance and is great protection still. I use it in all my own personal sleds, never... ever.... a problem.
Thanks a lot
Is the H/c's will produce big difference or 8ca will also good ?
Whit the renegade 1200, I lost one lenght when the helix change to the second angle (shallow angle ).
On the other way, I have opportunity to buy simmons cpr tripple pipes. What do you think about thoses pipes ?
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I remember, You already asked me . I'm 80% trail and I like good acceleration without lose backshift

First off, I think we had a language barrier so I apologize for my last post. I'll chaulk it up to misinterpretation. CPR's are a great set of pipes on the Viper but it will completely change the power curve and therefore the clutch set-up. The heelclickers will work for you either way they will just be loaded differently. whichever way you go Mrviper will get you where you need to be. Just follow his advise fully, not partially, and you'll get where you need to be.
New member
Mr Viper do you use the ATF in the winter to or just in the summer for racing ?

I'm not Mrviper but I use ATF in all my sleds all the time, no issues.
Don't worry Stagg65. Thanks a lot you and Mr Viper for your patience.
MrViPer I have opportunity to buy CPr's Pipes for $375 . Is those pipes are quiet for the trail riding ? Will I spend a lot money to setup it ?
Or your best choice is the H/c,s.
Any avantage or not. It will help me to take the best option !
Best regards
MrViPer I have opportunity to buy CPr's Pipes for $375 . Is those pipes are quiet for the trail riding ? Will I spend a lot money to setup it ?
Or your best choice is the H/c,s.
Any avantage or not. It will help me to take the best option !
Best regards
Active member
I run 8AB's in my viper with a 51/44 bender helix and no back shift problems what so ever. It back shifts fast! I had better luck with 8AB's then hc's.
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alsim1 said:Don't worry Stagg65. Thanks a lot you and Mr Viper for your patience.
MrViPer I have opportunity to buy CPr's Pipes for $375 . Is those pipes are quiet for the trail riding ? Will I spend a lot money to setup it ?
Or your best choice is the H/c,s.
Any avantage or not. It will help me to take the best option !
Best regards
cpr pipes are not quiet, so everyone will know you have them and your gas mpg will be more then cut in half! youll go from 13-14mpg to 8-9mpg with the pipes. If your not a tuner and know how to set up a viper to live with pipes, I would steer clear of them for now.
the h/c's will do the trick.
(yes) i run ATF in the chaincase all year round, works great.