painted windshield


Active member
Dec 26, 2011
Central Wisconsin
Is there any way to remove paint from a windshield? I've got a blue/clear shield that had been painted black on the outside, would like to make it look original again if possible.
razor blade would probably be your best bet, just be careful so you dont scratch it too much, worst comes to worst you can always just repaint it black or any color you choose
If you use a chemical remover try it on a small inconspicuous spot first. Most chemical removers will melt the plastic. I've done it before by wetsanding the paint off then buffing the windshield after. Start with 1000 grit, go to 1500 then 2000 and finish with 2500. Then buff it back clear. It takes lots of elbow grease. Unless you just got time to burn you're better off finding a good used one.
Is it spray paint or brushed on or auto paint if its just regular spray paint you can use paint thinner it won't mess up the plastic it's just going to some rubbing and reapplication
I'll see if I can get that old paint off, if not I might just paint it blue since I'll be painting my trailing arms, sould have some extra paint left over.
one should never paint the outside of the windshield anyways.Always paint the inside on a clear shield.On the outside you will get a lot of pitting or chipped on the paint from following other sleds to close.I painted mine Blue on the inside on the SXR and it still looks like the day I sprayed it..3 years back.
I have found in the past if paint thinner doesn't do the job, carb and choke cleaner tends to help a little also
For the amount of work and time to get it off and get it clear and nice again, you could buy 2 new nos ones, your time has to be worth something to you.

But.... if your stone bored, go for it with differnt grades of wet dry paper, rough to super fine then plastic polish............ :bling:
Not sure how well it would work on a windy BUT an old school body man trick for getting it off plastic bezels/grilles etc is to soak it dot 3 brake fluid overnight. Would take ALOT of brake fluid,maybe try it on a corner or something first.
I never thought about using brake fluid...that stuff really eats paint off of master cyls pretty quick when your cap starts leaking. I have an old piece of lexan somewhere around here I can test it on. Thanks for the info guys!
