Hey guys wanted to share a great picture of our crew last winter. Between my friends and I we have several of every year SRX 700 produced. This was a great day in February out on our local lake/dragstrip! We have talked about getting all the sleds in line for a picture for years however we didnt put it together until this year. Hope all my fellow SRX fans appreciate this one!!
That is a very cool pic..

nice lookin sleds.... 

Active member
amatosrx said:Here is some old pics or my collection. Nice to see them in groups.
"your" collection? as in you own all those sleds?
Active member
very nice. 3:16 (yammie tony)
New member
Yes he does I've seen them
Yes I have 8 right now and have own 20 different ones over the yearsdevinzz1 said:"your" collection? as in you own all those sleds?
The best srx picture I saw was a wild test in Sweden when they were new, the guy was jumping crazy high on one. Snowrider was the magazine.
the ones I have seen of petes you could eat off of!amatosrx said:Yes I have 8 right now and have own 20 different ones over the years
Active member
All this talk of eating is making me hungry...I think I'm gonna go fry up a big T-bone steak and eat it off the hood of my SRX! :P

don't get steak sauce all over your hood now and watch the knife marks as well...lol
quicksrx said:You could eat off of all my sleds as well. I completely strip and clean everything after every season. Including cleaning the Bulkhead!!
Lamb and Tenderloin taste better off of a BBQ. It's great our sleds are clean. Keep the Blue dream alive. My 2000 SRX looks like shiat. I ride it from November to April so it is full of mud.. It deserves it!! Don't spend too much time looking after it.
Active member
Doesn't matter what it looks like....just so ya keep it alive!!
New member
That's really cool to see all those SRX'S together.
man, i wish my friends had an SRX like me, i have only seen one over by me, and it kills me to see another SRX that doesn't run quite right
New member
NICE! Dream line-up. But it looks like you're missing a MOUNTAIN SRX!
That is the one that's missing!! Have not seen one around my area for years!!!!
If anybody in s.e Wisconsin has one I would love to meet up and get pics of all of them together!!!!
If anybody in s.e Wisconsin has one I would love to meet up and get pics of all of them together!!!!
Active member
Theres a mountain SRX for sale on craigslist, I think it's up in Hurly