Best SRX picture!!

shaggyzr2 said:
Theres a mountain SRX for sale on craigslist, I think it's up in Hurly

Yeah I seen that to, there is one buy Hurly for sale
INLINE4 said:
Pics wont upload..
i know the srx you have. sled was around southern ny last i saw it. i have all the stock parts off it. mark viccio built it. sled was out to lunch when i saw it run cause guy would not listen to mark, matter of fact, ran like it was full of '' pasta '' LOL. 3:16 (yammie tony)
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Man computer savy i'am not..... So far Tony the power valve motor isn't working...I have a test lead from Bender...Not working,maybe that has been the problem all along with this sled...
