New member
Do the Viper and SRX have the same tunnel, as far as overall shape goes? What are the differences?
(I searched this Yamaha forum but found nothing)
(I searched this Yamaha forum but found nothing)
New member
The bulkheads are different shape and style. I think the tunnel itself is the same.
New member
Thanks. I have a Viper and I am basing a Nytro skid install off someone else's SRX install... I'd hate to drill a bunch of holes then discover that their tunnels are different.
New member
I got my apex template from a member a had to trim the whole bottom off of it. I thought it would be the same, the guy I got the template from said he never heard of anyone trimming it so maybe my tunnel is just different lol

if the measures you have are from the driveshaft center and from the top of the tunnel down you should be good
New member
Yes them measurements are the same sorry I misunderstood what you were asking
New member
Yamahakid01 said:I got my apex template from a member a had to trim the whole bottom off of it.
Yamahakid, aren't you installing a monoskid? My skid's a "Proactive CK" aka dual-shock from a Nytro. Does your template have holes for both skids? I know both were offered in the Apex.
New member
Yes I am iwas just answering the question about the tunnels sorry to fill up your post
New member
Yamahakid01 said:Yes I am iwas just answering the question about the tunnels sorry to fill up your post
Gotcha, thanks for the information!